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Welcome to Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire News

Welcome to our weekly newsletter.  

In this week's email:

  • Weight Management Referral via Local 'One You' Service
  • Pharmacy Covid Vaccination Sites - Expressions of Interest Requested
  • New Regional PSNC Representative: Lindsey Fairbrother
  • URGENT ACTION: PCN Lead Vacancy: South Lincs Rural PCN


  • 7th December 2021- Deadline for submission of Antibiotic Awareness and Amnesty Regional Health campaign data onto PharmOutcomes (data collection period 15th to 30th November 2021).  To note, this campaign was changed from mandatory to voluntary via an email sent from the East Midlands team on Friday 19th November. 
  • 31st December 2021 - PQS Flu Vaccination communication with PCN Community Pharmacy Lead 2021

Per the Sept Drug Tariff – Contractors must have engaged with the Pharmacy Primary Care Network Lead (Pharmacy PCN Lead) to communicate that they would like to be involved in increasing the uptake of flu vaccination to patients aged 65 and over for the 2021/22 influenza season. All communications between the contractor and Pharmacy PCN Leads must be completed by 31 December 2021. You can find contact details for your PCN Community Pharmacy Lead on our website here, where they are listed on a PCN basis.

  • 5th January 2022 - Achievement of NMS Gateway Criteria of 20 reviews 
To meet the Advanced Services gateway criterion, contractors are required to have claimed payments for the completion of a minimum of 20 New Medicine Services (NMSs) between 1st April 2021 and 5th January 2022. If contractors are showing as having claimed for 20 or more NMSs (highlighted in green on the spreadsheet) no further action is required to meet the Advanced Services gateway criterion. 
Check your pharmacy is meeting the Advanced Services gateway criterion 

  • PQS Training requirements - staged but early as possible completion advised

PQS for 2021/22 has now commenced.  PSNC have produced a range of resources which can be accessed at the PQS Hub page at If you choose to sign up for all domains, an amount of learning is required.  Whilst the deadline for training completion is the date of declaration in February 2022, some training will be needed to both complete gateway requirements and deliver services. To assist with completion of this learning we have summarised the requirements in a table which can be accessed here.  The summary table includes indicative timings and links to CPPE training resources.  We recommend considering the timing of the learning carefully; for example early completion of the CPPE inhaler technique training will allow more time for completion of inhaler technique checks and  'catch-up' NMS as part of the respiratory domain.

  • CPCS IT Systems Provider pays model Autumn 2021 (final deadline for transfer 31st March 2022)

NHSE&I funding for the two current CPCS IT systems (Sonar and PharmOutcomes) will cease at end of March 2022, with plans to move to a 'provider pays' model where community pharmacies would pay a small charge per completed consultation through the platform. Although this deadline is some time away, as planning and decision making is required, contractors are recommended to start considering which supplier they want to choose well in advance. From the autumn, contractors will be able to transition to their own contractual arrangements with one of the four assured IT providers (Cegedim, Sonar, PharmOutcomes and Positive Solutions).  Find out more here.  
If you have queries about this please contact Daniel at PSNC directly:


Weight Management Referral via Local 'One You Lincolnshire' Service

As part of the PQS Healthy Living Support domain, pharmacies can refer patients into weight management support services either using the national system or a local provider.

Alison Jackson from our local weight management referral service 'One You Lincolnshire' has kindly sent us some information to support community pharmacies in referring patients to their weight management support programme, which is included below: 

Referral information 

Use the website. - be sure to include Pharmacy name in the Referrer Name field of the form. 

Clinical meetings

If you would like to book a clinical meeting with the team, please get in touch: and a team member will present a short overview of the service and our client outcomes. Furthermore if you'd like support to discuss a particular patient cohort, or develop partnership working with One You, send an email! If you would like support from the team at any outreach events please let One You know and they will see if they can help. 

Webinar - Understanding Behaviour Change in Consultations for Weight Management

Join Dr. Richard Pile (Specialist in Cardiology and Lifestyle Medicine) and Dr. Heather McKee (Behaviour Change Specialist) as they help you understand the principals of behaviour change for weight management and how to apply them during a consultation.
When: 26th January 2022 from 1500-1600
On MS Teams
The webinar is open to all Healthcare professionals. 

Covid-19 Vaccination Sites Expressions of Interest Request

You will have received an email from East Midlands NHSE Team relating to the call for further expressions of interest for community pharmacy Covid-19 vaccination sites with content similar to that shown below.  There are a number of areas identified by the local ICS that are looking for expressions of interest to deliver vaccines in areas as follows and any volume would be considered:

  • Spilsby / Horncastle PE23/ LN9
  • Waddington/ Navenby/ Metheringham LN4
  • Lincoln LN2 
  • Lincoln LN6
  • Woodhall Spa / Tattershall LN10/LN4
  • Holbeach / Long Sutton PE12
  • Louth LN11
  • Bourne PE10
  • Gainsborough DN21

Please read the information below for more details on the process for expressing an interest in this service or taking forward a previous expression of interest submitted but previously taken forward.

Email sent to pharmacies:

IMPORTANT: Call for Community Pharmacy-led Local Vaccination Service Expressions of Interest

Dear Community Pharmacy
We have been collaborating with our Regional ICS systems and in recognition of their programme requirement changes, a new Expressions of Interest (EoI) for the Community Pharmacy Local Enhanced Service COVID-19 Vaccination Programme: Phase 3 2021/22 (the “LES”) has been opened.  We are aware that some of you may have already seen the national communication but this is to strengthen our regional messages.

  1. An EoI can be submitted through this link for the SPECIFIED post code(s):
  2. Please check this link regularly if you would be interested in expressing an interest in providing this service, as the national team will be updating this page when further information is available.
  3. If you have previously submitted a Phase 3 2021/22 EoI for the specific post code confirmed, you will NOT be required to submit another EoI but you MUST confirm your interest to be reconsidered by submitting an email, to that effect, to the regional CP programme generic inbox

When completing the Expression of Interest it is expected that you will have reference to the Community Pharmacy Local Enhanced Service Covid-19 Vaccination Programme: Phase 3 2021/22 specification and the Community Pharmacy Phase 3 Site Designation Process which can be found HERE.
Should you have any queries that are not answered by referring to the documents above then please contact


New Regional PSNC Representative: Lindsey Fairbrother

We have a new Regional PSNC Representative who has kindly shared a few details to introduce herself below: 
“I am Lindsey Fairbrother, your new Regional Rep for S Yorkshire and the E Midlands. As such I will represent the region at PSNC meetings and also support LPCs and Contractors with significant matters such as the RSG and CPCF.

A bit of background on myself and why I can understand and do my best to represent you; 
I own and run Good Life Pharmacy in a large village in South Derbyshire. As well as this I run a covid vaccination clinic in the church hall and provide some private services in my capacity as an independent prescriber. So, I know all about the pressures at the moment, the pressures of running your own business and those from PQS, new services, covid and flu. I am a coal face pharmacist and involved in Derbyshire LPC as an independent contractor member and also PCN lead. Some of you may also know that I work for Shropshire LPC, a role I have had for more than 10 years, and so am aware of most issues facing LPCs in the future, including the likely merger/affiliation of smaller LPCs (Shropshire has less that 90 contractors).
I am not promising that I have loads of time for meetings but I will do my best to provide a channel for your concerns to be raised at PSNC and also for me to feedback to you. The first PSNC meeting I will attend is at the beginning of February. If you have any suggestions as to how we can best work together for the Region please shout up. I am in pharmacy/vacc centre Monday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, paperwork Wednesday and LPC land Tuesday so please bear with me if I don't reply immediately. I try my hardest to have Sunday off!!
Kind regards
Lindsey Fairbrother



URGENT ACTION: PCN Lead Vacancy: South Lincs Rural PCN

Unfortunately we once again have a PCN Lead Vacancy in South Lincs Rural PCN.

The current Pharmacy Quality Scheme includes activity led by community pharmacy PCN leads relating to collaborative approaches to flu vaccination. The deadline for completion of this work is 31st December so time is of the essence as a process needs to be followed.
The following pharmacies are currently part of South Lincolnshire Rural PCN:

  • Tesco Instore Pharmacy Tescos Stores Cherry Holt Road Bourne (FF878)
  • Crowland Pharmacy 9 North Street  Crowland (FH029)
  • Boots the Chemists Ltd 27 High Street  Holbeach (FCH32)
  • Your Local Boots Pharmacy 8 Market Place  Long Sutton (FNK11)
  • Boots the Chemists Ltd 3 West  Street  Bourne (FYY76)
  • Lincoln Co-op Chemists Ltd 5 Fleet Street Holbeach Spalding (FWW61)
  • Nene Pharmacy Ltd 184 Bridge Road  Sutton Bridge (FC922)

You can see the full details of the GP practices and other pharmacies in this PCN on our website at
Currently, the PCN is without a Community Pharmacy PCN lead and therefore pharmacies in this PCN may not be able to claim for the PCN domain of the Pharmacy Quality Scheme at this stage. Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire is keen to support you and other pharmacies in this PCN to nominate and agree a suitable colleague (as we cannot do this for you).
If you or a colleague are interested in becoming the Community Pharmacy PCN lead for South Lincolnshire Rural PCN please let us know ASAP by email at  by 5th December to allow us to share this with other pharmacies in your PCN so that this can be agreed and communicated with the NHSBSA.
If you’d like to explore what’s involved, there is further information from PSNC at You can also get in touch by email if you want to discuss this further.

Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire are continuing to update and refresh our website. Let us know if there are any specific things you'd like to see, You can email us at

Remember, you can also contact us using with any questions, queries or feedback you may have.

Lincolnshire Local Pharmaceutical Committee is the voice of NHS pharmacies in Lincolnshire.  For further information about the work we do, contact or visit 
Copyright © 2021 Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire, All rights reserved.

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