
Innovation Center at UC Davis' Sacramento Campus

Welcome to the December edition of Opportunity, a monthly newsletter with the latest updates on Aggie Square — where university, industry and community meet to create opportunities for everyone.

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John Marx: Philly Shows Us the Way to Succeed

University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University have partnered with the city of Philadelphia and with industry to create their innovation hub. What can we learn?

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Mayor Darrell Steinberg: Aggie Square ‘represents a paradigm shift in our city’s politics’

In an opinion piece for The Sacramento Bee, Mayor Steinberg shares how "the comprehensive set of benefits negotiated for Aggie Square (acts) as a model for building a true partnership with the community."

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ICYMI: Alice Waters Talks to The Aggie

The food pioneer discusses her goals for the Alice Waters Institute for Edible Education and her hopes to change the way public schools teach and students eat.


Quarter at Aggie Square Focuses on Biomedical Engineering

A cohort of students in the inaugural BME experience are learning from faculty at the medical campus who get to "expose them to first-hand, clinical, unmet needs."

Got Questions for John Marx About Aggie Square?

As the faculty adviser to the provost for academic planning, John Marx is keenly interested in helping you see yourself, your research and your teaching flourish at Aggie Square.

Email John Marx

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