30-Nov-2021 | Lantz Family | Open in web browser
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Back in Africa!

This month I was able to visit Back2Back Nigeria for the first time! I spent several days focused on leadership training to strengthen and equip our staff to fulfill their calling and increase their impact as they serve orphaned and vulnerable children and families.

After the training each day I was able to go with staff members to the homes and programs in which they work in order to meet the children and understand the challenges we face together. I learned so much, and I am even more convicted that we must stay in the fight for these children.

Nigeria is the second largest Back2Back site, and to top off the week I was able to collaborate with the site leadership team in several strategic conversations that will help us build more cohesive and sustainable teams. 

It is such a joy to be on this journey with you. Thank you for reading and sharing, thank you for your prayer and encouragement, and thank you for your giving that helps make this possible. Together we will stay in the fight!

Jeremy, Caitlin, and Kids

Coming to Michigan!

I am thrilled to say I will finally be able to visit many of you in person! It's coming together last minute, but I will be splitting time between Grand Rapids and Lansing December 9-12, and I would love to see you if possible. Please email me or call/text 513-498-5223 if you would be available during this for me to stop by to see you!

Prayer Requests

  • Growth in our leadership and teams
  • Holistic healing and provision for the children
  • Opportunities for us to see friends and family again
What prayer requests do you have? What testimonies can you share? Please email us at to to let us know so we can pray and rejoice with you!
Thank you for your prayer and partnership!
Jeremy & Caitlin Lantz | 513-498-5223 |
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