Taking the gospel to every community, meeting their material needs and equipping Ukrainians for a brighter future.

We've been quiet, but a lot has been happening in Ukraine

Dear friends and supporters, thank you so much for your patience and persistence in prayer for Ukraine Christian Ministries; we know it has been a long period of silence from us and we are so grateful for your continued support in many ways. As you may remember, I, Ella, gave birth to our son Eisha in March of this year and have been on maternity leave since then. This has been a blessed time, but I am aware that we were not able to sustain our communications during this time. Thank you to those of you who have continued to be in touch with our friends in Ukraine, or with myself; it really is such an encouragement. BUT, here I sit, in Ukraine, excited to write and share with you something of what has been taking place here whist I have been silent. Of course the Lord’s work continues, and His faithful servants here in Ukraine have been busy.  Let’s take each church one by one so that you can get a full picture.
Elisha is ready to get back to work


Denghi is the youngest church that we partner with, having been established for only two years now. As a church they are already having a huge impact in the community and the congregation is growing and growing. Sunday services see many non-believers attend and there is such a sense of family there; it is no surprise that people feel so welcome. Pastor Sasha is young and passionate and the church gathering around him are keen to serve the people of the village.
Through the year they have lead children’s camps in the summer where teenagers were encouraged to serve and given the opportunity to stay at the church and receive further discipleship in the afternoons and evenings.
A new, very exciting ministry that has started just this autumn is called «Мудрий Тесля» or “Wise Carpenter”. In this ministry, which was started in the nearby city of Cherkassy, boys aged 5-10 are invited to come and learn some DIY skills through woodwork projects. The volunteer: child ratio is intentionally low to allow for relationship building through the sessions. Many of these young boys have no Father at home, or a Father who works long hours in the factory and so this is a unique opportunity to minister to them and support them in developing valuable life skills. Please pray for Artem, Dennis and their team as they run this new project.
Having poured his everything into the church since it’s beginning, Pastor Sasha has reached a point of near exhaustion and is wisely choosing to reduce what he himself is doing in the church. We believe this is a wise decision and ask you please to pray for continued peace and clarity for him in this time.

Prayer points for Pastor Sasha and Denghi:
  • That he would continue to hear from God and know His peace in this time of slowing.
  • That the rest of the church would see the good example and know that salvation is not through works.
  • That more people in the church would be willing to step up and take responsibility for aspects of ministry, and that Sasha would learn how to empower them to do that.
  • That the church would see more of the non-believers who attend on Sunday putting their trust in Jesus.
The church family at Denghi
Artem and Dennis, the Wise Carpenter team.


This small village church  has really fought hard during these very difficult two years. They are a small group of faithful believers who serve Jesus whole-heartedly. Pastor Dima has been unwell, and so have his family. Following a stint of Covid19, Dima contracted Hepatitis and has been very unwell since Spring. He thinks the hepatitis is now gone, but he needs to undergo a course of recovery therapy to restore his immune system. He is still very weak. He has, however, been getting across to Kadena Gora every Sunday to preach there. His two sons have both also had health problems, with the elder being more severe. More tests are still needed to understand what is wrong. All of these tests and treatments cost money but with Dima not working, things are tight. Despite all of this, Dima is currently preaching through the story of Joseph and how the trials that God allows in our lives form such character that we are prepared for the mighty works that He has in store for us. May God be glorified always. We continue to support them in any way that we can.
The church have been working on a couple of construction projects this year, one to build a canopy along the side of the church which provides shelter from the hot summer sun. This has proved perfect for after-service refreshments, harvest celebration meals, and children’s summer camp. They are also building a toilet on the back of the church building to replace the traditional outside latrine.
Last autumn Pastor Dima was given oversight for all social ministry across the whole of Cherkassy Region. This is a huge task but one that he is excited to lead. He wants to inspire churches to use anything they have to begin reaching out to the needy in their community.

Prayer points for Pastor Dima and Kadena Gora:
  • For Dima’s heath and that of his family.
  • For continued outreach to the families in the village to bring more to know Jesus.
  • For encouragement for the faithful believers in the church.
Pastor Dima preaching about the trials of Joseph.


As the only city church that we partner with, life at Christmas Church is very different to that of the village churches.  The city has many more conveniences and opportunities for its occupants; these days it is very westernised.  This means that the church faces different challnges in serving the people there.  Despite a very difficult time of strict quarantine, (more strict than in the villages) Pastor Oleg is very upbeat about the past year in the church.  They had five new believers baptised this summer, and we thank God for this new fruit that is bearing.
Since March they were able to have two outreach picnics which were successful in terms of continuing to build relationships with non-believers.  They have begun a youth meeting on a Friday night which is still in the ice-breaker stage, but they plan to develop a more structured plan starting soon.
The biggest challenge that this church faces is very high rental prices.  They are situated in a great spot, right in the centre of the city, in the middle of six big apartment blocks, but this great location comes at a high price.  This year with many people out of work, they have had to cut back on some ministries to be able to pay the rent   We are working with them to ensure that ministry to the many people in their reach does not need to suffer.
Oleg also holds a responsibility in the Cherkassy region and gives much of his time to supporting and training other pastors in the area. He is passionate to see God’s word taught faithfully and true disciples raised.

Prayer points for Pastor Oleg and Christmas Church:
  • For the wisdom to discern which ministries to focus resources into during financial strain.
  • For many of the families that the church reaches in a social capacity to come to know Jesus as Lord.
  • For wisdom and energy for Oleg as he spreads his time between the church, the wider region and his own work and family.
Pastor Oleg and his wife Natasha


Here we have another example of a congregation who serve their community so faithfully throughout all circumstances. Pastor Sasha, his wife Shura and the thirty or so believers who meet there are a joyous, warm and loving group who shine the love of Jesus so clearly.
Sadly, P. Sasha’s health is not good, and neither is that of Shura. P. Sasha has heart trouble which is continually medicated. He has to pay for his tests and medication regularly. Shura has diabetes which they are trying to manage with dietary changes and some medication. They are both on a state pension and live a very simple life, sharing much of what they have with those in need around them. The way that they trust their lives and resources to The Lord is truly inspiring.
Due to P. Sasha’s poor health, he is no longer travelling to Zorivka and Lukashivka. Of those who were meeting in these villages, some have moved away, some gone to other churches, some drive to Borguslavets to join the meetings there. We need to pray for these small villages. The children’s ministries there are always so well attended, they are ready and open to hear the gospel. 
The Sunday school has once again been under persecution from the teacher at the school, ironically the teacher of Christian Ethics!  She is telling the children that Baptists are a cult and they should not attend, and in some cases even down-grading them if they attend. Anya and Olya continue to serve faithfully and pray for all the children in the village. They still gather between ten and twenty children every week, praise God!
The construction of an out-building at Borguslavets has begun; P. Sasha is doing most of the work himself, with the help of one young man who helps when he can around his work schedule.  The plans so far are to build a kitchen and large room that could be used for Sunday school meetings, and to host dining at various times. It has been suggested that they build a second floor above this which could serve as a small apartment with the view to housing a new Pastor for the village.  This is certainly something to be praying about as our dear friend Sasha has continued serving well into his retirement years.
Pastor Sasha with just one quarter of the firewood needed to heat the church this winter!


This wonderful church family have this past week celebrated 25 years of ministry!  Although the first church in the village (then Chapaevka) were meeting from 1908, they were oppressed and dispersed under the soviet regime.  A small faithful continued to gather and pray for those around them and so in 1996, supported by friends from Zolotonosha and England, the new congregation began gathering.  At first this small group gathered in a home, until in 1998 they purchased a small cottage with a large plot of land, and dreams of bigger things began.

Construction of the new church building began in 1999, with the help of some friends of UCM getting their hands dirty.  In 2001, Sergiy Limar was dedicated and appointed as Pastor over the church.  His own story of transformation by Jesus has continued to motivate and inspire him to share the gospel with many.  The new building was dedicated for use in 2003, an occasion which gathered many from far and wide to celebrate.
From the very early days of the church, John & Janet Hendy were there supporting the church family. They soon began to take teams of enthusiastic young (and not so young) volunteers to run camps and holiday bible clubs in the village and on the local river beach. These camps have continued in the capable hands of the Ukrainian teams and we praise God for the fruit that they have bourn over the years.

The church at Blagodatne have always been mission focused, and from this base three further churches have been planted. These are in Korobivka, Kadena Gora and Denghi. The young men that serve in these churches have grown up in the church in Blagodatne, it is wonderful to see how God is using them in their localities.

In more recent news, Pastor Sergiy has been praising God for the growing youth ministry, lead by Zhenya and his wife Yulia. Many young people from the village attend and have begun to serve in the church. Pastor Vlad (junior Pastor at the church) has been running a home group for families. They meet in his home and bring their children with them. Through this ministry Vlad’s brother and wife have come to faith after many years away. Vlad is excited for the opportunity to expand this ministry to more non-Christian friends. He is aware that all of his school mates who remain in the village have grown up going to camps in the church and so are already much more open to ministry than their parents may have been.

Prayer points for Pastor Sergiy and the church in Blagodatne:
  • For commitments from the young people attending youth meetings.
  • For Vlad & Inna as they plan a new format of families outreach.
  • For Pastor Sergiy as he continues to travel and support smaller churches in the region.
  • For new church plant opportunities.
Here is a highlights video from the celebration held in Blagodatne this Autumn.


The church gathering in this village is lead by Pastor Vova and Pastor Vlad.  The church is comprised mostly of women who gather together and share tea and biscuits before every service, encouraging and strengthening one-another. This year the church came together in a project of renovating the home of Lyuba (pictured). Lyuba is full-time carer for her grand-daughter Anya who has Cerebral Palsey. Their home was run down and not at all suitable for moving a wheelchair around, particularly as Anya gets bigger and Lyuba can no-longer carry her. The renovation involved relevelling the floor through-out and widening the door frames to allow for wheelchair access. The team also re-fitted the bathroom as a wet room to give Anya full access to everything. This project has not only been a blessing to Lyuba and Anya, but it has also resulted in the wider family getting in touch with P. Vova as they have been so impacted by the way the church have supported Lyuba.
P Vlad runs a youth meeting every Saturday evening with the support of the team from Blagdatne. This has grown and grown and sees many young people who previously had no affiliation with the church, coming through the doors each week.  Recently, when P. Vlad was unable to attend due to having Covid19, the youth messaged him assuring him of their prayers, even those who don’t attend church. It is an exciting time to be serving there.

Prayer points for Pastor Vova and Korobivka:
  • For more men to join the church
  • For the youth attending “coffee house” to come to know Jesus personally
  • Praise God for the baptism of P. Vova’s son, Yanik, this summer.
Lyuba and Anya, very happy wih the space in their new bathroom.
If you have been impacted by any of the stories from our churches and would like to know more, help in a specific way, partner your own church or make a directed donation, please do get in touch with Ella at or by calling 07915176759


As many of you know, for the past 21 years, we have been wonderfully served by the team at Alfold Aid Enterprises who partner with us in sorting all donations that are given. In the warehouse the team diligently sort through everything that is sent and sort it ready to be sent to Ukraine, or sold to raise funds to send on to UCM. We are so grateful to the many volunteers who have given their time to this ministry over the years, lead by Phil and Judy Wakemen. Phil and Judy have recently moved to Pembrokeshire to be nearer to family and so the work at Alfold has now stopped. We want to say an ENORMOUS thank you to all those who have served in this way over the years; the humanitarian aid that has been sent to Ukraine has benefitted hundreds of the most needy people.

We are currently reconsidering what this aspect of the UCM ministry looks like. If you have anything that you were saving to donate to us, I would suggest for now that you find another worthy cause but watch this space for an update from us. Do feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss this further.


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For a number of practical reasons, we will not be sending Christmas gifts from the UK to Ukraine this year, but there are still several ways that you can support the work of UCM this Christmas:
Make a donation so that we can purchase gifts for children in Ukraine.  Each gift will cost just £5.
Purchase Christmas cards and various gifts through Gospel Cards who donate a proportion of the price paid directly to us.  See the brochure included.
If you use Amazon to do your shopping online, go through and select Ukraine Christian Ministries as your chosen charity, and Amazon will give us 10% of the value of your purchases, at no extra cost to you!
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