
Dear friends and partners, 

I want to wish you and your families all a happy, healthy, and restful Thanksgiving! 

While there is plenty of work ahead, there is also so much to be thankful for this holiday season. I’m incredibly thankful for how far we’ve come from this time last year. I’m grateful that kids can safely be back in school in person, that we have safe and effective vaccines available, and that my family, like so many others, will all be together for the first time since this crisis started.

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays, and even more so this year. In addition to the customary opportunity to express gratitude while gathering with loved ones--this Thanksgiving presents an important opportunity to express gratitude for the ability to gather with our loved ones.

While the end of the pandemic seems nearer everyday, public health officials have released guidance to celebrate a COVID-safe Thanksgiving and help prevent a renewed winter surge. I hope you all have the chance to connect safely and share in the traditions you hold dear with the people you hold dearest. 

In gratitude, 

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Office of LAUSD Board Member Nick Melvoin · 333 S. Beaudry Avenue · 24th Floor · Los Angeles, CA 90017 · USA