Your online network and resource for youth ministers
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Introducing Catholic Youth Parramatta's

“Elements” is an online initiative by Catholic Youth Parramatta which offers content for youth ministers to use in their respective parishes, schools and movements. It will be distributed monthly.
We look forward to seeing how Elements grows with you. If you wish to discuss the content of this initiative further, contact Robyn on
"O Lord, my God, who will seek You with simple and pure love and not find You are all he desires." - St John of the Cross

The Gift of Your Presence

Happy New Year! The start of advent marks the start of the new liturgical season and the beginning of many Christmas celebrations and catch ups. As we all experience freedom from easing of restrictions, it can be easy to prioritise visiting friends and going out for dinner. But how do we prioritise visiting or speaking to Jesus? Many of us can go through a day without intentionally spending time with God. 

December's focus is to reprioritise and to give our time and energy to God in our daily lives. Let us prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas by reflecting on our relationship with Him.

“God’s love shows itself just as well in the simplest soul which puts up no resistance to His grace as it does in the loftiest soul.”
Story of a Soul by St Therese of Lisieux



Prayer Resources:

Youth Group Idea:
Adoration Prayer Night


Adoration is a great way to lead young people closer to Jesus by giving them an opportunity for prayer, penance, and encounter. An adoration night is also a great tool to promote the youth/young adult group and to serve the parish as we journey through advent. Follow this up with a social gathering such as a mini Christmas party with pizza.

Meeting with the parish priest early is crucial in organising a successful adoration night. It will help with communicating with your parish to advertise the event through the parish bulletin, website, and social media accounts. Involve the parish priest when decorating the altar/sanctuary and choosing music that the parish is covered for (ie CCLI or OneMusic etc). These added efforts in creating a prayerful environment will show how special and important adoration is and will draw attendees closer to Jesus.

Example Schedule for a One Hour Event



6:00PM   Set up church for adoration 
     -  Allow extra time to set up to ensure you aren't rushed
6:45PM Group prayer and run through schedule
6:50PM  Welcome + Covid check in
7:00PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Reconciliation begins
7:20PM  First Song
7:40PM Second Song
7:55PM  Benediction + Repose
8:00PM  Final Song + Thank you/Announcements

Extra Considerations:

  • Depending on the Priest/your preference, a thurible and extra altar servers might be needed
  • If you expect a big crowd, ask if there is another priest available for reconciliation
Extra Resources:

(Photo: Unsplash - Eric Mok 2021)

Saint of the Month: St John of the Cross

Feast Day: 14th December

Patronage: Contemplatives, Spanish Poets, and Mystics

Famous Works: The Living Flame of Love, The Dark Night of the Soul

St John of the Cross grew up in poverty and as a young child chose to follow a religious path. St John joined the Carmelite Order and studied theology and philosophy where he became an expert in the Bible.

St John was St Teresa of Avila’s confessor and spiritual director and joined forces with her to bring reform to the Carmelite Order. This caused violent conflict between the Carmelites. Later, a group of Carmelites broke into St John’s residence, kidnapped and imprisoned him. Surviving on bread, water and the occasional scraps of salty fish, he wrote poems on smuggled paper in prison and after nine months escaped from his cell to rejoin St Teresa. 

Welcome Robyn!!

It was amazing to see so many young people and youth leaders at our Local World Youth Day celebration at Stanhope Gardens on 21st November! We are very excited to see all of you soon again! 

We welcome Robyn to Catholic Youth Parramatta as the new Project Coordinator. Robyn brings almost 5 years of youth ministry from all over Australia to share with us all. She is a lover of coffee, running and softball and is looking forward to diving in the deep end. Please look forward to meeting her at our leader catch ups or at an upcoming event!

December Devotion: The Immaculate Conception of Mary
We believe that the Blessed Mary Ever Virgin was preserved free from original sin from the first moment of conception. The positive consequence of total freedom for all sin proclaims Mary’s perfect holiness which was granted by the grace and privilege from God. We celebrate Mary’s immaculate conception on the 8th December.


O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear our prayer. As your children, we implore your intercession with Jesus your Son. Receive with understanding and compassion the petitions we place before you today, especially... (special intention).

We are comforted in knowing your heart is ever open to those who ask for your prayer. We trust to your gentle care and intercession, those whom we love and who are sick or lonely or hurting. Help all of us, Holy Mother, to bear our burdens in this life until we may share eternal life and peace with God forever.


As we travel through Advent this December, let us be reminded each time we look at our phone of the truth and promise that God speaks to us through the birth of Jesus! 

Get Your Game On: Human Tic-Tac-Toe

Set Up: 

  • Nine chairs in a grid (3x3) in an open space 

Aim of the Game: 
  • To get your team to occupy 3 seats in a row

  • Divide the group into two, set up behind a line, and allocate each person a number

  • The person running the game will call out a number (eg 2) and the person with that number from each team will go for a chair in the grid

  • This continues until a team occupies 3 seats in a row (either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal) 

  • If you have a large group, you can evenly increase the rows to 4x4, 5x5, etc

Video with Demonstration:
Copyright © 2021 – Catholic Youth Parramatta - Agency for Youth
Catholic Diocese of Parramatta, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Catholic Youth Parramatta – Ground Floor, 470 Church Street, Parramatta NSW 2150

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