Episode 208: November 24, 2021

The Adventure of the Missing Oysters
by William Shaw

"The time has come," said Sherlock Holmes, "to talk of many things: of cyanide, and poison-gas, and arrow-heads, and slings."


I was about to question this odd outburst, but Holmes held up a silencing hand. 


Another member of our peculiar party rose, and violently exclaimed: 


"And how those oysters earned their fate! Those traitors to their King!"


Holmes lowered his hand with a look of cool satisfaction.


"Inspector," said Holmes. "Arrest that walrus!"




It was only later that I asked Holmes how he identified the culprit.


"It was perfectly simple, Watson," said he. "No truly tulgy criminal can resist an unresolved rhyme. I merely observed the metrical patterns of our tusked friend's speech, created the beginnings of a verse, and allowed him to incriminate himself."


"But that's nonsense!" I cried. "It is the most absurd thing I have ever heard."


"Yes, it is rather," said Holmes. "Now, if you would pass me the teapot, I need to see a man about a hat."


I did as he asked, and, placing the teapot firmly upon his head, Holmes strolled towards the door, pausing only when I called after him: 


"Or is it a hat about a man?"

William Shaw is a writer from Sheffield, currently living in London, who can be found on Twitter @Will_S_7. You can also find more of his work here.
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