The only international Buddhist Animal Advocacy Organization in the world.
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DVA News & Updates

Bringing Awareness to the Suffering of Animals

In this issue:
  1. ACE 2021 Standout Charity
  2. US Buddhist Centers Project
  3. DVA’s Retreat for Animal Advocates
  4. Speakers Series
  5. DVA Germany
  6. DVA Thailand
  7. Featured Member

Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE)

Ace Names DVA as a 2021 Standout Charity:

Dharma Voices for Animals is honored to have been named a "2021 Standout Charity" from Animal Charity Evaluators. ACE, a well-respected evaluator of animal charities, has considered over 350 animal charities for evaluation, reached over 1.5 million people with their research through their website, awarded 46 grants from our Animal Advocacy Research Fund, and influenced over $26 million in donations to their recommended charities and Movement Grants recipients.

Here is what ACE said about DVA after an extensive investigation over several months:

"DVA's programs primarily focus on reducing the suffering of farmed animals, which we think is a high-priority cause area due to the large number of animals involved. Their work has potential to affect large numbers of animals given its global breadth."

"Dharma Voices for Animals works with Buddhist communities in countries with relatively young and small animal advocacy movements, which we think is a promising avenue for pursuing large-scale change for farmed animals. We think DVA is well-positioned to contribute to the growth of the animal advocacy movement in these communities and countries."

"We find DVA to be an excellent giving opportunity because of their strong programs aimed at increasing the availability of animal-free products and strengthening the animal advocacy movement in relatively neglected regions."

Every year, Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE) invests months evaluating animal advocacy organizations in order to find those that are working effectively and are able to do the most good with additional donations. Their goal is to help people help animals by providing impactful giving opportunities that reduce suffering to the greatest extent possible.

You can read the entire review here.

ACE is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to finding and promoting the most effective ways to help animals.

US Buddhist Centers Project Update:

As DVA finishes interviewing candidates for Director of our US Centers Project, we hope to name a new Director very soon.

We are still hard at work behind the scenes encouraging centers to transition to serving vegan meals. We hope to announce in our next newsletter that an important center on the west coast has completed their transition to serving vegan only meals to retreatants.

US Buddhist Centers Project

DVA’s Hosts first Retreat for Animal Advocates:

DVA hosted our first Mindfulness and Meditation Retreat for Animal Activists on Sunday November 14th. This 3 hour retreat was well attended by people from all over the world including...

Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, California Minnesota Mississippi, Oregon, and Washington.

Some quotes from retreat participants...

"I have a fountain in this room, and I almost don't hear it most of the time. It was lovely to be mindful of it here now."

"It was relaxing; never thought about hearing as an effortless process, but it is."

"I am so grateful for this today. I enjoyed being aware of the noise and I was present at times."

"This retreat has been such a wonderful experience. Thank you SO much Bob and Bhante for all the wisdom and insight that you have shared with us. I'm upping my monthly donations to DVA! 🙏"

Be sure to follow DVA's YouTube to be notified when we post clips from the retreat with more content coming soon.

DVA Mindfulness & Meditation for Animal Activists

DVA Speakers Series

Episode 6: In Conversation with Dawn Scott:

Join us Saturday, December 11th, at 9am pacific, for Episode 6 of the DVA Speaker Series with DVA President and Co-Founder Bob Isaacson with special guest Dharma Teacher Dawn Scott.

Pre-registration is required. Sign up for free:
DVA Speaker Series Episode 6

Worldwide Projects and Chapters

DVA Germany:

DVA’s Germany Chapter has been very active. From December 3rd to the 5th DVA Germany will be hosting a virtual retreat in german. Led by Annabelle Zinser, Buddhist Dharma teacher in the tradition of the Vietnamese Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, and the German-American Vipassana teacher, Ruth Denison.

Marco and Jasmin also gave a DVA talk and Workshop on a Interfaith Buddhist/Christian seminar on the 6th of November.

DVA Germany

DVA Thailand:

Although our presentations at the Wats (Buddhist temples) had been on hold due to Covid restrictions, DVA restarted on November 26 at Wat Mahapruktaram.

DVA Thailand Presentation at Wat Mahapruktaram

DVA Featured Member

Stephanie Swann, PhD, LCSW:

DVA is very pleased to announce that Stephanie Swann, a well-respected Dharma teacher in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, has joined DVA’s US Centers Project team and will be working with a variety of centers, with an emphasis on those in the south, around diet change.

You can hear Stephanie's wonderful Dharma talk on why Buddhists should be transitioning to a plant-based diet on her SoundCloud.



We plan to feature Stephanie Swann on our Speakers Series in 2022.

Stephanie Swann, PhD, LCSW, is the Director of the Atlanta Mindfulness Institute and one of the two founding teachers of the Atlanta Insight Meditation Community. She is a certified MBSR instructor through the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine, Center for Mindfulness.

Stephanie has been a dedicated Vipassana practitioner since 2008 and was a member of the Community Dharma Leaders program (CDL6) at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. As a consultant, Stephanie trains mental health professionals in the practice of mindfulness-based psychotherapy.

Currently Stephanie holds an adjunct faculty appointment with the Georgia State University School of Social Work where she works on an NIH grant using mindfulness to support smoking cessation.  She has been a vegetarian since her early 20s and is fully committed to a vegan way of life now.

Stephanie Swann, PhD, LCSW

Imagine a world in which animals are not considered food, a world in which Buddhist communities around the world are setting a shining example. Dharma Voices for Animals is the only International Buddhist Animal Rights/Advocacy Organization in the world. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we rely on the generosity of our supporters to help us spread the Buddha's message of creating a more compassionate world.

If it's within your ability to do so, please consider making a gift or becoming a monthly contributor. And for a limited amount of time, every gift made will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a very generous supporter.

Help Save Animals
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