
December 17, 2021

CIS & AISA News:

  • Counselling and Wellness Services
  • The Post is on holiday! We will return January 14th!
  • The 2020/21edition of the Raven/spa:l' is here!
  • Throwback Thursdays: Celebrating FNIS and FNEL's birthdays

News & Events:

  • Call for Participants - U of T Study on Digital Consent
  • December 17 - BC NEIHR Funding Info Session
  • January 15 - Indigenous Community Planning, Masters Concentration
  • January 27 - Applications for UBC Global Seminars - now open!

Job & Scholarship Opportunities:

  • Support for Canadian Women Survey Recruitment - Paid opportunity!
  • December 31 - Positions with CEDaR
    • Lab Supervisor
    • Coordinator
  • December 31 - Corbett Fellowship
  • January 4 - HR and Finance Assistant, First Nations House of Learning
  • January 5 - RBC Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth
  • January 6 - Classroom Climate Equity &. Inclusion - Graduate Student Facilitator
  • January 27 - Funding Opportunity: Indigenous Strategic Initiatives (ISI) Fund
  • January 31 - Ontario Legislature Internship Program
  • January 31st - House Support Worker and Cultural Wellness Worker, Circle of Eagles Lodge Society
. . .
Interested in advertising in the Post? Submit your posting to this form by January 12th, 2022 to be included in the next issue!


Counselling and Wellness Services

Your mental health and wellness matters. Find wellness resources on our website. For UBC Counselling Services, please contact them via phone (604-822-3811).

Student Supports

  • The Hope for Wellness Help Line is open to all Indigenous Peoples across Canada, and offers 24-hour mental health counselling, via phone 1-855-242-3310 or chat Line.
  • Call 310-6789 (no area code needed) toll-free anywhere in BC to access emotional support, information and resources specific to mental health and substance use issues. Available 24 hours a day.
  • Indigenous UBC students can access support via the Student Health and Wellbeing portal.

Community Supports:

  • The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) offers support for Indigenous people (status and non-status) who have had members of their family attend residential school. Please review this information here. Here’s a list of service providers registered with health benefits at their website or call 1-855-550-5454
  • The Hope for Wellness Help Line is open to all Indigenous Peoples across Canada, and offers 24-hour mental health counselling, via phone 1-855-242-3310 or chat Line
  • The KUU-US Crisis Line Society operates a 24-hour provincial Aboriginal Crisis line for: adults, elders and youth. See more here.
    Adult/Elder Crisis Line: 250-723-4050 
    Child/Youth Crisis Line: 250-723-2040
    BC Wide Toll Free: 1-800-588-8717
    Métis Crisis Line BC Toll Free: 1-833-638-4722
  • The Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS) provides essential services to Residential School Survivors, their families, and to those dealing with intergenerational trauma. Call toll free: 1-800-721-0066.
  • The BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres supports Aboriginal Friendship Centres across the province that support urban Aboriginal people. You can learn more about the Friendship Centre model, provincial initiatives and programs, and connect with local Friendship Centres here
  • The Hope for Wellness Help Line is open to all Indigenous Peoples across Canada, and offers 24-hour mental health counselling, via phone 1-855-242-3310 or chat Line.
  • Call 310-6789 (no area code needed) toll-free anywhere in BC to access emotional support, information and resources specific to mental health and substance use issues. Available 24 hours a day.

Find more resources for student health here

The Post is on Holiday!

We look forward sharing more CIS and AISA related news, events, scholarships and job opportunities when The Post returns on January 14th, 2022

In the mean time, we hope you have a safe and restful Winter Break!

The Raven/spa:'l 2020/21 is now available!

The 2020/21 edition of CIS' annual magazine, spa:l'/the Raven, is now available to read on Issuu and in print. Check it out here.

To receive a physical copy, fill out this Qualtrics form.

Thank you to all of the contributors for the time, energy and care they put into their pieces.

Happy reading!

Throwback Thursdays: Celebrating FNIS and FNEL's Birthdays!

Throughout December, we'll be celebrating 20 years of FNIS and 25 years of FNEL with throwback Thursday posts.

Keep an eye out for our walk down memory lane on our CIS Instagram or Facebook!


Call for Participants - U of T Study on Digital Consent

Assistant Professor with CIS, Dr. David Gaertner, is co-investigator on a UofT study that aims to understand thoughts and feelings of Indigenous users regarding how their data is shared & accessed online. Indigenous adults are invited to participate via questionnaire or phone interview. 

Complete the questionnaire here

BC NEIHR Funding Info Session

The BC Network Environment for Indigenous Health Research (NEIHR). The purpose of the Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research Program is to establish a national network of centres focused on capacity development, research and knowledge translation (KT). This network of centres provide supportive research environments for Indigenous health research led by, and grounded in, Indigenous communities in Canada

On Friday, December 17th from 10am-11am PST, BC NEIHR is hosting a Zoom Information Session on its funding programs for Indigenous trainees. This presentation will include a short presentation on the funding available and a Q&A. Please email for the Zoom link. 

Indigenous Community Planning, Masters Concentration

Is Indigenous Community Planning something you might be interested in? Learn more about this unique concentration with the UBC School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP) here

Applications for this Masters program are open until January 15th. Visit the SCARP website here

Applications for UBC Global Seminars - now open!

Applications are now open for Global Seminars! Global Seminars were developed to allow students to have an international experience, while studying a specific topic. Global Seminars are taught by UBC faculty, and allow students to earn UBC credits. 
For a full list of offerings, please visit the Global Seminars page. Apply by January 27, 2022. 


Support for Survey Recruitment - Paid opportunity!

Canadian Women's Foundation is looking for 4 First Nations, Métis, and Inuit youth to help them get more survey responses for this survey in English, French and/or Inuktitut. Please see the survey here
It is a paid gig, hourly at $35/hour for a maximum of 20 hours per week but at least 5 hrs. Starting ASAP - for the weeks of Dec 6; Dec 13; Dec 20 and/or Jan 3 and Jan 10.
The survey was developed by a team of Indigenous youth, supported by PRA Inc. and the Canadian Women’s Foundation. The purpose of this survey is to provide insight into the impact of COVID-19 on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit youth. In line with the Canadian Women’s Foundation’s other Resetting Normal reports, the data collected through this survey will be used to understand the impacts of the pandemic and provide recommendations as we rebuild.  As a reward for completing this survey, youth may choose to be entered into a draw. They have 12 prizes to give away!
If you have some time (even if it is not the full 20 hours) and are interested in circulating this survey among your peers/communities or helping them fill out the survey online, please get in touch with 
Nathalie Lozano

CEDaR Lab Supervisor and Coordinator

CEDaR is an experimental new media space where faculty, students, and staff who engage in Indigenous and community-driven research can collaborate and innovate relational technologies. Our mission is to evolve community research by creating tools and techniques that support local contexts, politics, and protocols. 

The CEDaR Lab Supervisor leads the design and implementation of programs and services to support emerging media needs in community-driven research. The position supports faculty, students and staff who design and develop emerging media tools and techniques including but not limited to virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), video games, geographic information systems (GIS), and digital curation. We seek candidates with experience working collaboratively with communities to facilitate and guide them in the use of new media and digital technologies. For more details, see Job Posting: JR5333. Apply by December 31st. 
The CEDaR Coordinator oversees the day-to-day administrative, financial, and functional operations of CEDaR space, while also managing ongoing development of CEDaR’s physical and digital infrastructure during our start-up period. The Coordinator will serve as the central point of contact for CEDaR with UBC staff, faculty, researchers, community partners, advisory committee members, industry partners, and the public. For more details please see Job Posting: JR5332. Apply by December 31st.

Corbett Fellowship: Funding available for UBC students to study at the University of Washington!

The Gary & Consuelo Corbett Canada-U.S. Fellowships Program provides well-funded opportunities for UBC students to go to the University of Washington for Exchange!
Value: The value of this award is dependent on the length of your Exchange program at UW

  • $4,000 (USD) for a Term 1 Exchange: September 2022-December 2022
  • $8,000 (USD) for a Term 2 Exchange: January 2023-June 2023
  • $12,000 (USD) for a Full Year Exchange: September 2022-June 2023


  • This program is open to both Undergraduate and Graduate students with a minimum 70% average
  • You must hold Canadian citizenship or P.R. 
  • Students from all Faculties and disciplines are welcome to apply 
To apply for the award:
  1. Check the complete eligibility requirements for exchange
  2. Log on to Gateway
  3. Click on the “Search Experiences” tab.
  4. Search “Corbett” in the “Keywords” section. This will bring up the application.

Apply by December 31, 2021. Please contact if you have any questions.

HR and Finance Assistant

The First Nations House of Learning is currently recruiting for a HR and Finance Assistant.

Please see the job posting here. Apply by January 4th, 2022

RBC Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth

The RBC Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth awards 20 scholarships annually valued up to $10,000 each per year (up to 4 years) to First Nations, Inuit and Métis students across Canada demonstrating strong academic performance and community involvement.

For more information, visit the Future Launch Scholarship website. Access the application portal here. Apply by January 5, 2022

Classroom Climate and Equity & Inclusion – Graduate Student Facilitator

The CTLT Indigenous Initiatives team is seeking to hire a part-time (10 hours/week from Jan-Dec 2022) Classroom Climate and Equity & Inclusion Graduate Student Facilitator (CCIE-GSF) who will develop and deliver TA Training to support learning on Indigenous topics and to support equity and inclusion issues in the classroom. CCEI-GSFs will be trained in existing classroom climate and EDI workshop materials and approaches and have the opportunity to draw from their own knowledge to contribute to the development of additional materials and approaches for TA Training in these areas.

For more information and how to apply, see the full job posting, please visit this page. Deadline for applications January 6, 2022.

Funding Opportunity: Indigenous Strategic Initiatives (ISI) Fund

In September 2021, the ISI Fund launched to support the implementation of UBC’s 2020 Indigenous Strategic Plan (ISP). 

Funding is allocated across three streams. Streams 1 & 2 are available to support faculty, staff and post-doctorate-led projects that advance at least one of the 6 ISP priority actions. Stream 3 is for student-led projects that advance any of the 43 actions.

For Streams 1 & 2, applicants must submit their Letter of Intent (LOI) by 3 pm on Thursday, January 27, 2022, through this website. For Stream 3, applicants must submit their full application by 3 pm on Thursday, January 27, 2022, through this website.

For more information, please visit the ISI Fund page. For further questions please email

Ontario Legislature Internship Program - apply now!

Applications for the Ontario Legislature Internship Program (OLIP) have opened this month on December 1st and close on January 31st, 2022, at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time).  

The Programme is open to all candidates who, at the start of the internship, hold a Canadian citizenship or Permanent Residency, hold at least one university degree from which they have graduated in the last two years, and are available to work full-time from September 2022 to June 2023. If you would like more information, please visit their website. Read the recruitment package here

House Support Worker and Cultural Wellness Worker

The Circle of Eagles Lodge Society is currently seeking a House Support Worker and a Cultural Wellness Worker. 

Please click here for the House Support Worker job description. Apply by January 31st, 2022

Please click here for the Cultural Wellness Worker job description. Apply by January 31st, 2022

Interested in advertising in the Post? Submit your posting to this form by January 12th, 2022 to be included in the next issue!

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