- EDEN Center, Albania organized a training " Components of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans ", as part of the project " Green Economy for Advanced Region ", funded by the EU.
Through this training program, environmental CSO actors, representatives of national and local authorities involved in the design and implementation of environmental and climate policies, and environmental and climate activists were introduced to three of the main chapters / columns of the Agenda.
- Arnika released the annual charts of the biggest polluters in the Czech Republic in 2020 based on PRTR data that are publicly available. It turned up that more carcinogenic chemicals and endocrine disruptors were released to the environment than in the previous year.
- Zelena Akcija, Croatia organized a public event that called on the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development to stop the planned construction of a harmful waste incinerator. They also submitted a number of comments to the Environmental Impact Study for the planned waste incinerator in Kutina.
- ALHem and WECF cooperated on the first training for teachers of the Eco-school that was held in Aleksandrovac, Serbia.
- Mare Nostrum, Romania, finished their MARLITTER project in July. One of the objectives of the project was to develop and promote an innovative tool that would allow the general public access to essential data on pollution and marine litter, being a real support for the competent authorities. It can be found at the following link: https://marliter.bsnn.org/.
- Green Home, Montenegro organized a conference "Environment as part of the negotiation process of Montenegro on the road to the EU".