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Hello all and welcome to newsletter 10. This is going to be the last newsletter before a brief hiatus. Not sure when these will resume but I may send a regular email out to everyone before that happens. 10 feels like a good point to stop and reflect. I think I got a lot out of doing these newsletters, Ive come to appreciate how my photos follow the seasons and act as a sort strange and disgusting visual diary of my fairly uneventful life. I think all the photographers who follow this have encountered the feeling of bringing a camera somewhere and feeling awkward. If not I envy you, but I think my goal during this hiatus is to shed, or work on shedding, the self conscious discomfort associated with bringing a camera around and using it and not missing moments out of fear someone is watching me and they might think Im being weird lmfao

thank you all for receiving these newsletters, at any level you have all helped me express my thoughts and helped me work out some concepts that would fall on deaf ears on most social media platforms. and its been fuckign awesome! thank you so much I hope youve enjoyed receiving these and they havent been too annoying or lame, and even if they were thanks anyways >:-)

on a final note this year has been good for my personal development of a visual style, and I want to celebrate that with a print sale! 


this is to celebrate the new year and this newsletter! these are some of my favorite photos/ photos I feel have most helped in developing my style this past year. There will be 5 prints of each photo printed at 13x19" on glossy paper @ $20 each. newsletter acts as a presale, email if you are interested! 

Recent Photos

woo! 10 newsletters! 20 weeks! I think we got up to 58 recipients! Thank you all this has been so incredible! I look forward to coming back but also to taking a break! I love you all! Please buy a print! HAve a good new year! Mwah! :-* !

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