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Pantry Meals for Snow Days & More

Well, this was the situation here in Durango this morning.
mini countryman and 5th wheel RV in a blanket of snow.
It's not the first snow we've seen here and it's not going to be the last. It looks like we ended up with maybe 6". 

But forecasting for this area is tricky. You can end up with anything from rain to two feet of snow sometimes. So yesterday I was in a bit of a panic. I hadn't done the weekly shopping yet and it was already snowing. So I slapped together a meal plan and headed out.

Plant Based Pantry Staple Meals
plant based pantry staple meals collage.

In addition to my planned scratch meals, I wanted to have a few extra easy meals available.

I always like to keep a few pantry staple meals ready to go anyway, no matter the weather. They're great for days when you need a quick meal. And all of these keep for a while until you need them.

So I decided to write up and share five of the pantry (and freezer) options I have on hand right now.

Pantry Meal Ideas
Salty Peanut Rice Crispy Treats
collage of salty peanut rice crispy treats.
There's been a dangerous development here in Durango. The local ice cream shop now makes loads of vegan baked goods that are delicious. And the day olds are a bargain. 😱

So I knew it was time to start making some healthier treats again.

I'd posted about rice crispy treats a while back on Instagram. While those were pretty good, I fiddled around and made the recipe a bit easier. They came out great! (I mean, just look at them.) And while I wouldn't consider them health food, the ingredients are much better than standard rice crispy treats.

The best part is that you can customize them with your favorite additions. I do recommend trying peanuts though because it makes them taste kind of like peanut brittle without the tooth cracking crunch.


I'm about halfway through the Plant Based Nutrition Certification course I mentioned last newsletter. It's going well and I can't wait to have my official certificate!

The next issue will be the last of 2021. Can you believe this year is almost done?

Are you a New Year's Resolution maker? What are you planning for the New Year? If you want to incorporate more plant based meals in your life and need ideas, get in touch!

Enjoy the holidays however you may spend them,


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