I find wearing a FitBit immensely motivational and it definitely encourages me to move more. Going for my early morning 30-minute walk gets me off to a tremendous start each day for many reasons – not just adding 4,000 steps to my daily tally before 8 o’clock but it makes me feel better physically and mentally too.
Having been struggling for a few days with sneezing and coughing (not COVID), last weekend I had to give in. My cold had decided to get the better of me and I felt really rough. I had to cancel my Monday fitness classes that I love teaching, and ask hubby to walk the dogs because I just had no energy and felt I wanted to stay indoors. Thankfully, I feel fighting fit again now and yesterday took the dogs for our early morning walk once again. I had really missed it. Inevitably my daily step count had dropped dramatically for six days and my daily total was way off my 10,000 step goal which normally I beat without any difficulty. And this made me think.
Mary always suggests we all take a 30-minute walk every day. As well as adding some steps to our fitness tracker, and burning some extra calories of course, our half-hour walk does loads more for our health. It is exercising our heart and lungs, helping the bones in our legs to stay strong, keeping our leg muscles (big engines) fitter as well as mobilising our hips, knees and ankles with every step we take, preventing them from seizing up and getting creaky. The benefit to our general health by making the effort to walk for 30 minutes every day is the very best ‘medicine’ we can give ourselves to make us fitter, healthier and happier - and it’s free!
I wonder what is the most rewarding present you have ever given or received?
Little did I know the pleasure that a bird table with several bird feeders to hang from it would bring to my hubby Mike a few years ago. When he first set it all up it didn’t take long for the birds to find it. It was as though the bird community had put up a notice in the wood nearby to say ‘Hey, there’s a new Aldi just opened for us in the garden next door!’ We have SO many birds visit every day that Mike has to buy bird food by the sack! Blue tits, blackbirds, robins and a family of Woodpeckers are just a few of the types of bird that visit and it is enchanting and entertaining to watch.