
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
So far in 2021, TIPTOP project districts provided 127,424 doses of IPTp3 to eligible pregnant women with nearly one-third distributed in communities. And, it is because of each country’s commitment and leadership, from Ministries of Health to community leaders, that we are seeing this success as they fight to ensure the most vulnerable are protected from malaria.   As we look forward to 2022, TIPTOP countries and countries across the region are hoping to expand C-IPTp, in collaboration with partners, to continue bringing eligible pregnant women the care they need, where they live.  C-IPTp will continue to afford pregnant women opportunities to protect themselves and their unborn babies. 
Wishing everyone a very wonderful and healthy holiday season!
Voices from the Field
It is with great respect that I speak of our effective commitment and involvement in this project which has become standard practice. With this commitment, we are observing a significant decrease in the maternal and infant mortality rate linked to malaria following the participation and involvement of the population in the communication, monitoring and support of pregnant women to take SP and complete all ANC visits. Looking at these positive changes in our health zone, we are happy and we reiterate our commitment to continue to support this project so that it is sustainable and is also implemented in other health zones of the province and the country.
Jean Jacques Kisaka Ngimbi, Executive Secretary of the Health Civil Society of Kwango Province, DRC
Video: TIPTOP implementation in Madagascar, with French subtitles
Visions from the Field:
A Year in Pictures
Photo credits: 1, 3, 4: Karel Prinsloo, Mozambique; 2. Faniry-Nomena Andriantsitohaina, Madagascar

Meet our TIPTOP team members

Faniry-Nomena Andriantsitohaina

Communications Specialist, Madagascar
I knew I wanted to work in global health when: I began to really see how diseases and risky behaviors can handicap an individual or a community.  Rumors remain one of the biggest challenges in public health communication, and therefore, one of my biggest challenges.

Yara Alonso

Anthropologist, ISGlobal
My role on TIPTOP is: to contribute to the anthropological research component that seeks to generate insights into the social acceptability of the novel C-IPTp strategy in the four project countries. I support the coordination of research activities, provide guidance on data analysis and contribute to the dissemination of results.

Paulo Bulele

Program Officer, Mozambique
The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: being part of a team and generation that is contributing to global changes in the health of women and children in communities more vulnerable to malaria.
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