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Information for Inspiration and Dissemination 
Total station in snow (Winter Land Surveying by benkrut, One-design use license from Canva)



We hope you've enjoyed past issues of Public Archaeology Notes (see Archives below). Please feel free to distribute Public Archaeology Notes to your networks, constituencies, and various communities. Email us interesting news and resources, so we can share with everyone! Our contact information may be found at the bottom of this newsletter.

PAN & COVID-19 in 2021

We continue to recognize that each of you are impacted differently by COVID-19. Our Network Volunteer Team: Melissa Zabecki (PEC Member and Arkansas State Coordinator), Bernard Means (PEC member and Virginia State Coordinator), and me - Rachel Kulick (Ontario Provincial Coordinator) wish you well during these challenging times. We are working together with Elizabeth Reetz (SAA PEC Chair) and Beth Pruitt (SAA Manager of Education and Outreach) to continue to coordinate remote and safe public archaeology education and outreach efforts.

We are pleased to present you with PAN Issue 10, which has been a team effort with the State/Provincial Coordinators and the public archaeology community.

Upcoming Programs & Events

South Carolina

By Meg Gaillard, Heritage Trust Archaeologist, SCDNR

SCDNR Archaeology Internship Program: Summer 2022 Applications Now Available

Applications for the Summer 2022 SCDNR Archaeology internship program are now available here. Applications close at 5 p.m. EST on Friday, Feb. 4, 2022. Internship application categories include high school (rising juniors and seniors), undergraduate (BA/BS and Associates), graduate (MA/MS and PhD), postdoctoral, and recent graduates (high school to PhD). The primary goal of the internship program is for interns to gain a greater understanding of the diverse field of archaeology. Topics covered within the internship will include but are not limited to terrestrial and maritime archaeology, forensic anthropology, visual anthropology, archaeology public outreach and interpretation, museum studies, geographic information system (GIS), and disaster preparedness and recovery. Please email SCDNR archaeologist Meg Gaillard with any questions or concerns (

Here's a direct link to the application:

Image provided by Meg Gaillard, SCDNR.

South Carolina

By Meg Gaillard, Heritage Trust Archaeologist, SCDNR

Spring 2022 Virtual Archaeology for Kids Programs: Applications Available Now
Are you a librarian or teacher interested in providing unique programs for kids in your community or classroom? SCDNR’s virtual Archaeology for Kids programs are free to libraries and schools across South Carolina. Applications for Spring 2022 virtual Archaeology for Kids programs are now available at this link.
Designed for kids ages 6 - 14, virtual Archaeology for Kids programs include a brief introduction to archaeology and a hands-on activity such as Pottery Re-Fit, Make Your Own Pottery, Quill Writing, or Finger Weaving. Programs are available from Monday, Jan. 24 - Friday, May 27, 2022.
Here's a direct link to the application:

Image provided by Meg Gaillard, SCDNR.


By Barbara Clark, Florida Public Archaeology Network
Edited by PAN Editor

Florida Anthropological Society: 74th Annual Meeting

The Florida Anthropological Society will host their 74th Annual Meeting in Miami in May 2022. More information about the Florida Anthropological Society, memership, and the conference, may be found on their website!

Image © Florida Anthropological Society


Grant News: Institute for Heritage Education (IHE) announces 2022 Small Grants Program


Institute for Heritage Education

By Jeanne M. Moe, Institute for Heritage Education, Chair

The Institute for Heritage Education (IHE) is proud to announce our 2022 Small Grants Program. We are offering 6-8 small grants (up to $1,200) for organizations or individuals who host professional development events (workshops, online or in-person; institutes; job-embedded mentoring; etc.) to enhance the ability of teachers to include robust, inquiry-based heritage education in their classrooms. Applications and all supporting materials are due by Tuesday, February 1, 2022 and awards will be made in early March 2022.

We are trying something new this year: optional reporting on the impacts of our professional development events to start building data for future fundraising efforts. If you are already gathering impact data, even better. Please provide us with the results if you can.

Depending on future funding, we hope that IHE can offer grants for hosting professional development events every year. If the grant cycle does not work for your schedule this year, we are hopeful that there will be another opportunity next year. 

Examples of successful grant applications can be viewed at The Request for Proposals (RFP) and the online application form are available at For more information about IHE and/or the RFP, please contact Jeanne Moe at  We look forward to hearing from you soon. 

Spotlight: State Archaeology Month


By Amy Johnson, Indiana State Archaeologist

Indiana Archaeology Month September 2021

September’s Indiana Archaeology Month brought a mix of virtual and non-virtual archaeology programs, with good attendance.  The commemorative poster was available on our division’s webpage, but not as a hard copy. Our Governor issued an official Proclamation declaring that September 1st was Indiana Archaeology Month Kickoff Day. Tied to the theme of Archaeology Month this year, our Research Archaeologist, Rachel Sharkey, put together an outreach document titled “Archaeology and the Production of Hoosier Spirits.”

Image © Indiana Department of Natural Resources


By Maegan A. Smith, Louisiana Division of Archaeology 

Louisiana Archaeology Month October 2021

Image of Louisiana Archaeology Month 2021 poster provided by Maegan A. Smith

For 2021, we incorporated virtual, hybrid, and in-person events into our state’s Archaeology Month celebrations in October and we also extended it into September a bit to accommodate groups who wanted to plan something earlier to spread out attendance. Louisiana Archaeology Month celebrations had a total of 29 events and activities including International Archaeology Day at Poverty Point World Heritage Site, Pirate Experience and Museum Day at Capitol Park Museum, and Archaeology Day at the Louisiana State Exhibit Museum, as well as partnering with existing trivia nights to incorporate Louisiana Archaeology categories in Lafayette, Lake Charles, and online.

One public archaeology project took place throughout Archaeology Month at Poverty Point World Heritage Site and another over a weekend in Avoyelles Parish. Louisiana Archaeology Month included exhibits, presentations, and educational opportunities across the state, reaching a total audience of over 10,000 people, including out of state participation.

Aerial image of Poverty Point Site, from USDA Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service CTK-2BB-125, Nov. 11, 1960 (public domain).


By Brad Lepper, World Heritage Program, Ohio History Connection

Ohio Archaeology Month October 2021

Image © Ohio HIstory Connection

Ohio Archaeology Month programs this year were limited due, of course, to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The following virtual programs were offered by the Ohio History Connection:
October 6, 7-8 pm: Ask an Archaeologist
Ohio State Historic Preservation Office archaeologist Nathan Young was available online to answer any questions folks had about Ohio archaeology and what an archaeologist in Ohio does.
October 13, 7-8 pm: The Mystery of the C.B. Lockwood
Members of the Cleveland Underwater Explorers Club discussed the discovery of the wreck of the steamer C.B. Lockwood, which sank in 1902.
October 20, 7-8 pm: Tracking Down Ancient Earthworks with High-Tech Devices: new results from the Ohio Valley
Dr. Jarrod Burks of Ohio Valley Archaeology gave a presentation on how high-tech instruments like magnetometers, LiDAR, and drones are revealing the foundations of ancient American Indian earthen enclosures in the Ohio Valley.
October 27, 7-8 pm: Arrowhead, Lead Seals, and Kodak Film: the Archaeology of a Reconstructed Schoenbrunn Village Cabin
Archaeologist Andrew Sewell presented an overview of Lawhon & Associates’ investigation of the location of a 20th century reconstruction of a an 18th century cabin at Schoenbrunn Village.
A $5 fee was charged for these programs (free to members of the Ohio History Connection) and quite a few folks attended all the presentations.
Image provided by Brad Lepper: Octagon Earthworks

The Ohio History Connection also had an Open House at the Newark Earthworks at which visitors were invited to explore the 2,000-year-old Great Circle Earthworks, Wright Earthworks, and the Octagon Earthworks. All three sites were open daylight to dusk, with staff on site to answer questions from noon to 4 pm:
As part of the Open House, a number of activities were held at the Great Circle Earthworks:
Dr. John N. Low (Pokagon Band Potawatomi and Director of the OSU Newark Earthworks Center) led a conversation about the earthworks and the mission of the Ohio State University’s Newark Earthworks Center at 4 pm at the Great Circle shelterhouse.
Image (above) provided by Brad Lepper:
OHC archaeologist (left) introduces visitors to the Great Circle

Local historian Jeff Gill led a 3.5 mile guided walking tour from 1 to 3 pm that started at the Great Circle Earthworks and finished at the Octagon Earthworks with stops along the way at the Wright Earthworks and other points of interest.

The Works sponsored a Mobile Unit Activity Table from noon to 4 pm where visitors could learn about archaeoastronomy at the Newark Earthworks.

Image (above) provided by Brad Lepper: CSU archaeologist Peter Dunham introduces folks to the Octagon Earthworks.
Finally, I wrote a blog post on Ohio’s Indigenous History that was featured in Ohio History Connection social media posts throughout Archaeology Month:
Other programs around the state included an in-person Archaeology Day celebration at the Campus Martius Museum in Marietta from 9:30 to 5:00. It included activities for kids and a Precontact pottery making workshop.
Though not specifically tied to Archaeology Month, Hopewell Culture National Historical Park offered a 2-hour guided hike of the Hopewell Mound Group on October 23, 2021.
Image (public domain) by NPS / Victoria Stauffenberg: Hopewell Culture National Historical Park in Ohio.


By Rebecca Shelton, TASN Coordinator

Texas Archaeology Month October 2021

We had 68 events on the Texas Archeology Month October 2021 calendar. These events and activities were held both virtually and in-person, in 31 counties around the state, and were sponsored by more than 35 partners:
Spotlight: Outreach Campaigns

Florida Public Archaeology Network

By Barbara Clark, Florida Public Archaeology Network

The Florida Public Archaeology Network (FPAN) has launched their new website! Explore events, projects, and training opportunities in each of the featured regions, and check out on-demand resources an video content on their YouTube channel.

Image: Map of Florida (public domain).

South Carolina 

By Meg Gaillard, Heritage Trust Archaeologist, SCDNR

SCDNR Archaeology A to Z Coloring Book

The SCDNR Archaeology A to Z Coloring Book was illustrated in 2020 by SCDNR Archaeology intern Ashley Dale Henslee while all SCDNR archaeologists and interns worked from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Archaeology vocabulary and definitions are provided in both English and Spanish in this free coloring book.
Image provided by Meg Gaillard, SCDNR.


By Amy Johnson, Indiana State Archaeologist

Mounds State Park

Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (DHPA) archaeologist Cathy Draeger-Williams worked remotely from Mounds State Park (Anderson, IN) during part of the pandemic.  Public outreach was still possible even while social distancing. She gave small groups tours of the historic Bronnenberg home covering archaeological, architectural, and historic preservation topics, and also engaged with the public during walks around the site. Artifact identification continued through email correspondence and when visitors would bring items to the park for staff to identify.  
Photo provided by Cathy Draeger-Williams:
Photo shows a wooden container for oiling the axles of wagons.

DHPA archaeologist Cathy Draeger-Williams was at the Mounds State Park (Anderson, IN) Archaeology Day outdoors event in 2021, and she showed tools which archaeologists use. Field equipment included a shovel, trowel, screen, bucket, gloves, GPS tracker (to document locations), safety equipment (orange safety vest, bug spray, suntan lotion, etc.), writing implements, Munsell soils identification guide, etc. Guests were able to look at and touch the different equipment and flip through photos of various stages and types of fieldwork that archaeologists do.

Photo by Jerry Byard: DHPA archaeologist Cathy Draeger-Williams at Mounds State Park (Anderson, IN) during Archaeology Day outdoors event in 2021.

New Mexico

By Mollie S. Toll, Center for New Mexico Archaeology
Edited by PAN Editor

New Mexico Archaeology Month October 2021 & Education Outreach

Here in New Mexico, the ongoing pandemic has both shut down and opened up options. Archaeology lends itself so well to experiential learning: shooting atlatls, spinning yucca cordage, flint knapping. But with distance and isolation, so many hands-on activities are just not possible. In NM we celebrated Archaeology Month in October, and International Archaeology Day on the second Saturday. In 2020 and 2021, that celebration was entirely virtual. Lectures and slide presentations continue to draw enthusiastic and participatory audiences.

The real shifts and progress in education outreach have been happening in classroom and home school contexts. Before the pandemic, educators in the nonprofits had made some important strides to collaborate and organize their outreach efforts; this was in part an attempt to maximize scanty human and financial resources. Archaeology became a player in a diverse range of offerings for summer camps, after-school, and in-school programing. The real miracle of the pandemic began with conscious networking of all state museums and historic sites on a weekly basis: educators who previously hadn’t even known the names of their counterparts in other institutions became well-known to one another, and dreamed up and collaborated on a wide range of projects. At first emphasis was on single-activity kits, always with a hands-on component, and including a variety of enticing and useful supplies; these were distributed by personal vehicles to tribal and rural libraries throughout the state, and then by bookmobiles when they came back in service. In cities, kits were handed out through free food distribution programs. Collectively, museums and non-profits handed out tens of thousands of these activity kits in NM. We made up kits with names like Puzzle Pots, Stratigraphy, and Fantastic Beasts, and adapted individual lessons from the BLM’s Project Archaeology curriculum.

Image © New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies

Camp in a Box
As the summer of 2020 approached, it was apparent there was a great void where parents had depended on museums, municipal recreation programs, and sports to keep their kids engaged and learning while their parents attempted to put in a day’s work by Zoom. Museums and non-profits quickly pulled up their socks and put on their thinking caps. Off-screen and Outdoors were high ambitions. Out of this desperation came great invention, including Camp in a Box—a statewide program whereby ten different institutions each produced a kit with everything needed to do five lessons packed in a box. No screen needed (though supplementary materials were available from our web sites), no parental supervision needed. The OAS/MNM 2020 contribution was Making and Breaking Pots, and in 2021 we built a kit loosely based on Project Archaeology’s Food and Land unit.

Throughout the pandemic, NM’s Department of Cultural Affairs has coordinated a program called Invite an Educator, that allows schools, teachers, libraries and others to browse presentation offerings and sign up for an educator to meet with a classroom on Zoom. We have discovered that it is now just as easy to meet with a classroom from one of the far-flung corners of our state, as to drive down the road to our neighborhood school. The Chat function brings out really good questions from both shy and bold students, and provides a mechanism for teachers to be engaged and useful as well. Often we will produce a packet of supplies for hands-on activities that accompany our sessions; these we ship or deliver to teachers who, always resourceful, find a way to get them to their students.

Collaboration and new friendships with other educators have fueled our work with previously undreamed-of imagination and energy. Who would’ve guessed?

Photos from Magdalena Science Café: Kids Using Camp in a Box 2020 (Making & Breaking Pots)

Spotlight: Digital Archaeology Talks

The Dirt on the Past Podcast

By Crystal Alegria, Director of The Extreme History Project

The Dirt on the Past, a podcast of The Extreme History Project, debuted in September of 2020. Whether digging up a site or dusting off the archives, we bring you some of the most fascinating and cutting edge research in history and archaeology, and discuss why it matters today. Join co-hosts, Crystal Alegria and Nancy Mahoney as we converse with professionals in the fields of history, archaeology, and anthropology who bring the past…into the present. We've had the opportunity to interview Meg Conkey, Kelly Dixon, and Joe Watkins just to name a few. You can find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Thanks for listening for more . . . Dirt on the Past!

Photo © The Extreme History Project

Two Indiana Digital Programs
Contribution by Amy Johnson, Indiana State Archaeologist

Check out Indiana's new virtual programs featuring some key landmarks:
  • Structure from Motion: 3D documentation in Indiana and beyond: This YouTube video features a talk by Dr. Alex Elvis Badillo, Director of Indiana State University’s Geospatial and Virtual Archaeology Laboratory and Studio, who discusses how 3D documentation applies to 21st-century archaeological investigations through case studies from Indiana, Mexico, and Peru.
  • Gone But Not Forgotten: Identifying Unmarked Graves in Bethel Cemetery: In this YouTube talk, Dr. Brooke Drew of Indiana State University speaks about how a team of experts and students used the technique of ground penetrating radar to help identify unmarked burials and respectfully relocate them, when a 2018 expansion of Indianapolis International Airport necessitated the relocation of Bethel Cemetery, established in 1838.

Texas Historical Commission YouTube Channel
Contribution by Rebecca Shelton, TASN Coordinator

The Texas Historical Commission (THC) has a robust YouTube channel that has a rich library of interviews and presentations on Texas history and archeology.
Heritage Broadcasting Service
By Richard Pettigrew, Archaeological Legacy Institute
Edited by PAN Editor

We have some new titles on Heritage to tell you about!  You can watch these on your smart TVS with Roku, or access them at Our next batch of new titles, a series with 10 titles, will be released on January 3.

Strata: Portraits of Humanity Season 8, Episode 3

(1) A young Quaker farmer from Pennsylvania makes a choice to contradict his pacifist upbringing and fight in the Civil War to end the horror of slavery.  His idealistic life leads to an experience as a prisoner-of-war in the pain and despair of a Confederate prison camp.   (2) In a traditional ranch in northern Iran, a cow loses her calf.  The galeshes (Iranian cowboys) follow a time-honored technique, placing the skin of the dead calf on the body of another calf, to prevent the cow’s milk from drying up.

Mesopotamia: A Wounded Heritage

Once upon a time, two mighty rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, crossed a land shaped like a crescent moon.  Known as the Fertile Crescent, it was here that writing was invented and urban society first developed.  Guided by world-renowned scholars and archaeologists, this film not only visits legendary sites such as Ur, Nimrud, Babylon, and Nineveh, but in an attempt to keep public attention alive on the unending plight of a people, also takes a closer look at the devastation wreaked upon world heritage archaeological sites.  Shot onsite and in some of Europe’s most important museums, filmmaker Alberto Castellani takes us on a journey back in time, to discover the wounded heritage of Mesopotamia, the Cradle of Civilization.  This film has been granted the patronage of the Council of Europe.

Life in Circles

In this independent documentary, Dutch filmmaker Bart van Tongerlo goes in search of a countless number of mysterious stone circles in southern Africa.  In a world of conflicting hypotheses, he gets confused and distracted.  But the quest unfolds in a magical way and Bart eventually discovers the deeper meaning of his trip.  The call to an ancient trace of a life in circles results in an open-hearted narrative of the inner journey from the head to the heart.  In an animated travelogue with a frivolously spiritual touch, comedian and television host Leon van der Zanden follows Bart closely as an inquisitive interviewer.

Spotlight: New and Digital Archaeology Initiatives


By Katie Arntzen, History Colorado State Historical Fund

How do you calculate all of the benefits of archaeology?

The report, Archaeology for a Changing Colorado, takes the first steps to do just that. It informs about the economic, social, and environmental impacts of archaeology. Read to discover key findings and to learn how to use the results to advocate for archaeology and archaeology education. The report is a collaboration between Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Colorado’s State Historic Preservation Office, and Clarion Associates, LLC and funded by the History Colorado – State Historical Fund.
Image: "Crow Canyon Petroglyphs" by BLM New Mexico is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


By Barbara Clark, Florida Public Archaeology Network

Florida Historic Cemetery Inventory

The Florida Division of Historical Resources and the Florida Public Archaeology Network have launched a new initiative called the Historic Cemetery Inventory to help document historic cemeteries, which are the most under-reported cultural resource in the state:

Read more about FPAN and its projects on their website, and their region-specific Twitter and Facebook pages.
Image: © Florida Public Archaeology Network


By Amy Johnson, Indiana State Archaeologist
Edited by PAN Editor

Archaeology News Transition

After 18 years of distributing monthly archaeology specific e-newsletters (Archaeology News), our Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (DHPA) Archaeology Team will now be transitioning to instead include our archaeology content in our Division’s newsletter, which is currently undergoing a revamp. We will still provide interesting and informative archaeology information to the public through our archaeology e-lists in addition to the office’s e-newsletter.  

Online Launch of Highlighting Hoosier Archaeological Sites:
Examples from 92 Counties

The DHPA announced the online launch of the StoryMap project during September’s Indiana Archaeology Month. The collaborative project involves DHPA archaeologists and various archaeology colleagues writing features for a general audience. Archaeologists have chosen their site(s) to highlight based upon past fieldwork they have conducted, a research interest in a particular site (precontact or historical), or for a variety of other reasons.
Highlighting Hoosier Archaeological Sites: Examples from 92 Counties is a StoryMap through ArcGIS on the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology webpage (, and viewers are able to click on a region of the state, and then county, and read about the featured sites. Currently, over 40 sites are available, and in the future, additional sites and case studies per county will be added; so, check back now and again to look for newly added sites. In the StoryMap documents we have tried to minimize the technical details and summarize the facts into a simple format, integrating photographs, diagrams, and maps where possible to better educate and inform the public about the practice and significance of archaeology around Indiana.  

Image by Dodd, Mead, and Company (1894) (public domain)

Amy Johnson, State Archaeologist, is the Editor of the submissions, with Co-Editors Rachel Sharkey, Research Archaeologist, and Division Director Beth McCord. Director McCord has placed the submissions into the StoryMap format. We thank our many archaeology colleagues who have thus far contributed to the project, and hope that the public will enjoy reading about these important places in Indiana’s counties.

Indiana Archaeology - Journal Volume 15 Launch
The Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (DHPA) is pleased to announce that the latest volume of the journal Indiana Archaeology is now available at Per state statute, one of the duties of the DHPA is to develop a program of archaeological research and development, including the publication of information regarding archaeological resources in the state. This journal is one of the ways that our office continues to address that mandate. The target audience includes: the general public, professional archaeologists, avocational archaeologists, and anyone else interested in the history and prehistory of Indiana. This journal continues a tradition of scholarly research, and important contributions, in the science of archaeology. The topics are primarily specific to Indiana, but they also have importance in the broader context of Midwestern archaeology. The current volume includes an interesting mix of articles regarding both precontact and historical archaeology:
Using Tree-ring Analysis to Establish Build Dates for the Huddleston Farmstead,
Wayne County, Indiana (12Wy429)
J.P. Hall, Christopher Baas, and Darrin L. Rubino
The Tin City Site (12Vg2024) on the University of Evansville Campus
Alan Kaiser
Of Marshes, Moraines, and Sand Dunes: New Perspectives into Historic and
Precontact Settlement Patterns for Benton, Jasper, and Newton Counties, Indiana
Matthew P. Purtill, Jamie M. Leeuwrik, Colin L. Macleod, Abby L. Clifton,
Amanda Balough, Kevin C. Nolan, and Christine Thompson (HPF)
The Origin and Demise of Yankeetown in Southwestern Indiana
Michael Strezewski
Exploring Monroe County’s Past: An Archaeological Survey of Indiana University
and Sycamore Land Trust Nature Preserves
Elizabeth Watts Malouchos (HPF)
Two of the projects, noted above with “HPF,” received federal financial assistance from the Historic Preservation Fund Program for the identification, protection, and/or rehabilitation of historic properties and cultural resources in the State of Indiana.

South Carolina

By Meg Gaillard, Heritage Trust Archaeologist, SCDNR

Esri ArcGIS StoryMap: The Last Rice River

The Last Rice River: The Crop that Transformed the Combahee forever is an Esri ArcGIS StoryMap that explores the transformation of nearly a quarter million acres on South Carolina’s rivers for rice agriculture. This new StoryMap chronicles the development of the crop that created the wealthiest families in America and coastal prisons for thousands of enslaved laborers.

Image provided by Meg Gaillard, SCDNR.

Spotlight: Stewardship Programs



By Rebecca Shelton, TASN Coordinator

To assist Texas Historical Commission (THC) staff in meeting the diverse inquiries and requests the THC receives, the Archeology Division (AD) has collaborated with the History Programs Division (HPD) and AD staff to create a history steward pilot program. The history stewards program was initiated by staff in the HPD and members of THC Antiquities Advisory Board. Together, they recruited four volunteers who are skilled in historic research, archives, and genealogy.
In addition, the Archeology Division staff launched the Tribal Stewardship Program in the spring of 2021 with a single representative located in Texas with the intent to develop a more robust Tribal Stewardship Program in consultation and in collaboration with the Federally Recognized Tribal Nations with ties to Texas. We hope to add representatives slowly while we continue to develop the program. Some ideas for the more robust program include providing training to the tribes, tribes providing training the other stewards, assisting tribes with making connections to private landowners, providing a tribal contact to work with landowners regarding unmarked burials on private land, among many other ideas.

For the second year in a row, members of the Texas Archeological Stewardship Network participated in the planning and organization of the nationwide Partners for Archeological Site Stewardship workshop, which was held virtually Nov. 2-3. Over 30 stewardship organizations and programs participated:

Spotlight: Virtual Living Archaeology Weekend 

By A. Gwynn Henderson, Kentucky Archaeological Survey

The Virtual Living Archaeology Weekend Video Series

First Two Episodes Ready for Viewing
During virtual events on September 18, 2021, Kentucky’s Living Archaeology Weekend Steering Committee premiered the first two videos in its new series - The Virtual Living Archaeology Weekend Video Series. The Committee is excited to share this new initiative with PAN readers!

The videos are now available for viewing (and download*) from Living Archaeology Weekend’s (LAW) recently redesigned website (
New Episodes
Episode 1 - American Indian Textiles - examines the inspiration, traditions, creativity, and diversity of ancient and traditional American Indian textile technologies. Viewers learn how oral history and archaeology provide insights into millennia-old indigenous textile technologies.

Episode 2 - Pioneer Textiles - describes the tools, techniques, and historic-era traditions of processing flax and wool into yarn and fabric in eastern Kentucky. Viewers learn how archaeological and archival sources document past textile use and production, providing insights into the region’s roots in Western European textile traditions.

About the Series
The series demonstrates ancient and historic technologies important to the people who have lived in Kentucky’s Appalachian region. It is designed to broaden the reach of LAW, Kentucky’s longest-running live archaeology education event and the cornerstone of Kentucky Archaeology Month each September.

Currently, the series consists of two short videos (15 minutes each, HD format). These and future episodes present the background, processes, and importance of ancient and historic technologies as demonstrated by LAW scholars and experts. To enhance use in educational contexts, each episode has distinct segments. Episode-specific educational materials designed for use in classrooms and other instructional contexts accompany each episode (
Series Funding
Funding comes from the Daniel Boone National Forest, the Kentucky office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Federal Highway Administration, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, the US Forest Service - Southern Region, the National Trust for Historic Preservation Fund of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Kentucky Preservation Fund of Preservation Kentucky, the Kentucky Heritage Council, the Bill Huser Memorial Fund, the National Endowment for the Humanities, Kentucky Humanities, and a host of other organizations and individuals who provide in-kind services.

About Living Archaeology Weekend
The Daniel Boone National Forest, the Kentucky Organization of Professional Archaeologists, and the Kentucky Archaeological Survey plan, organize, and hold the in-person event. LAW has been held every September in the Daniel Boone National Forest’s Red River Gorge since 1989. Its mission is to provide teachers, students, and the general public with diverse, high-quality, multi-sensory educational opportunities in American Indian and Pioneer technologies and other lifeways, archaeological interpretation, and archaeological site preservation.

* for non-commercial research and educational purposes.
The series is produced by Voyageur Media Group, Inc. under the supervision of an advisory panel composed of LAW Steering Committee members.

Images provided by A. Gwynn Henderson, Kentucky Archaeological Survey


Rachel Kulick, Public Archaeology Notes Editor

Thank you to our contributors to Issue #10:

Crystal Alegria, The Extreme History Project
Katie Arntzen, History Colorado State Historical Fund
Barbara Clark, Florida Public Archaeology Network
Meg Gaillard, Heritage Trust Archaeologist, SCDNR
A. Gwynn Henderson, Kentucky Archaeological Survey
Amy Johnson, Indiana State Archaeologist
Brad Lepper, World Heritage Program, Ohio History Connection
Richard Pettigrew, Archaeological Legacy Institute
Jeanne M. Moe, Institute for Heritage Education
Rebecca Shelton, TASN Coordinator
Maegan A. Smith, Louisiana Division of Archaeology
Mollie S. Toll, Center for New Mexico Archaeology

Public Archaeology Notes (Archived):

Public Archaeology Newsletter #9 (June. 2021)
Public Archaeology Newsletter #8 (Jan. 2021)
Public Archaeology Newsletter #7 (Aug. 2020)
Public Archaeology Newsletter #6 (Dec. 2019)
Public Archaeology Newsletter #5 (May 2018)
Public Archaeology Newsletter #4 (Apr. 2017)
Public Archaeology Newsletter #3 (Dec. 2016)
Public Archaeology Newsletter #2 (Apr. 2016)
Public Archaeology Newsletter #1 (Feb. 2016)

Contact us: 

Please send us information and photos of great projects that have inspired you. Let us know your favorite social media that informs your own work. And include photos! All contributions for future issues are welcome. 

Please contact Public Archaeology Notes Editor Rachel Kulick with contributions, comments, and questions:
Copyright © 2021 PEC State Coordinators, All rights reserved.

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