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Welcome to the Rising Together Newsletter!
Rising Together is an online worship space and an amazing opportunity for community building as we connect with each other virtually across the country. Over time, we seek to build bridges with each other to help understand our present realities and also connect to our past and discover the rich histories of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour in Unitarian Universalist history. We aim to create a space of support and solidarity as well as of comfort and reflection through varied worship, themed discussions, and thoughtful interactions. Thank you for being here.
Opening Song

Next Session: December 18th 4:30-6 ET

In our next session, we are going to be celebrating the winter solstice! While the solstice technically falls on the 21st, I think we're close enough to have a little fun in the spirit of the season. Come prepared with a mug of something warm to drink and cozy to wear as we explore some of the mysteries of this season. 

November Recap!

Last month we left room to get to know each other better and explored parts of our identity and how we relate to our selves as largely mixed and diasporic individuals navigating a Western world. 
What Else is Going On?!
Things are winding down in this second half of December, which I think we could all use! But keep your calendars marked for these monthly events that will resume in early January! If you need help finding more information on either one, please reach out and I'm happy to provide guidance! Otherwise, enjoy some well deserved rest and sacred napping. 

Second Wednesday of Every Month,      8pm ET
If you identify as a Black UU Young Adult, please join us on the first Wednesday of every month at 8:00 pm/ 5:00pm PST. Our monthly time together is an exclusive Black, Unitarian Universalist, Young Adults space spent building community and bonds, supporting one another, and having fun! Led by Donovan Hayden and Kamila Jacobs.

First Thursday Every Month,      9pm ET
If you are a Black UU (or non-uu) please check out the BLUU worship space the first thursday of every month. You can find more information on how to register at this link.
Closing Song
Final Thoughts!

What a long and weird and also somehow fast year it's been! Thank you so much for your continued support as we close out the first year of this program! I'm so thankful for everyone I've met throughout our inaugural year and am so looking forward to meeting even more amazing people as we move into another year of building community together. This group has been a true blessing in my life and I'm forever thankful for it and for you for being here. As always, if you have any questions- concerns- events- or anything else you'd like us to uplift in this newsletter, please reach out to 
Happy holidays!
This month instead of a yoga video, check out this short talk on the value or rest!
Copyright © *2021* *Rising Together*, All rights reserved.

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