AMG Speaker Event Highlights
By Patty Gonzalez Johnson
The AMG Board was busy in 2021 advancing our mission of promoting professional development and facilitating connections through our speaker series and networking events. We connected with our UCLA colleagues throughout the campus and helped build community.
We hosted speakers that empowered staff to overcome personal and professional challenges brought on by COVID-19. Other speakers provided tools and ideas to help staff align their strengths and development plans with the university’s current needs. We also learned about the impact of technology on our jobs and the changing nature of work. Our speaker provided tools for development to help staff stand out in a competitive environment. Our CFO panel shared their experience ascending to their current roll and inspired attendees to pursue a career in finance.
In 2022 we will continue our speaker series with experts who can help staff position themselves for the next step in their UCLA career and share resources to help them stand-out in their current and future positions. We hope you will join us!

Dr. Jorge Cherbosque, UCLA Staff & Faculty Counseling Center
“Empowering Staff to Overcome Personal and Professional
Challenges Brought on by COVID-19” – March 2021

Mark Ramseyer, UCLA Extension
“Career Development Within the UC System – June 2021

Rejeana Mathis, UCLA Campus Human Resources Learning &
Organizational Development
“Power Packed Professional Development” – September 2021