
How are you doing, as our world approaches the waning of darkness and the waxing of light?

It’s a busy season for us social animals, spending time with family and friends, participating in parties and festivities, perhaps traveling, preparing for the winter to come and a new calendar year. 

This is a holy season too. Remember to care for yourself so you can care for others. 

Every moment you can spare, notice and enjoy your breath.

Feel your feet inside those comfy shoes you’re wearing. Feel gravity connecting you with our planet and moving back up through you to the stars. 

You are the present and we are connected.


Thank you for a good 2021.

Despite the pandemic, this year shaped up to be a really good year for my work and continuing learning, and also an extended summer break to rest, refresh, and renew. 

I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to do work that I love, in which I can grow as a human and as a practitioner of healing arts and sciences.


What’s coming up (that I know of)? 

I’ll be taking time off from December 23 through January 3 to refresh and renew myself. Taos again.

I’m re-evaluating several aspects of my practice. My rates will be increasing in January 2022.

You can save with multi-session packages.

There are still a couple of weeks left in December to schedule sessions or buy never-expiring multi-session packages at the current rates.

I’m also going to evaluate session lengths as well as the components of my TMJ Relief sessions to incorporate new skills. 

One more big change is in the works. If all goes as planned, I will be adding a downtown Austin location in January, which may be more convenient for some of you.

I’ll send a special announcement when that happens and will also update my website and online scheduling page. 

I’d love to see you on my table. 🙌

Schedule Your Next Session or Buy a Package
"At first, we are children of the darkness. Your body and your face were formed first in the kind darkness of your mother's womb. You lived the first nine months in there. Your birth was the first journey from darkness into light. All your life, your mind lives within the darkness of your body… Each day is a journey. We come out of the night into the day. All creativity awakens at this primal threshold where light and darkness test and bless each other. You only discover the balance in your life when you learn to trust the flow of this ancient rhythm." ~ John O’Donohue
Copyright © 2021 MaryAnn Reynolds, LMT, All rights reserved.

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