
Thawing and Freezing
Post-Pandemic …

In a school year that has been WAY more challenging than it was supposed to be, it feels like the beginning of a “thaw” from the pandemic. We’ve all experienced so much over the past two years—the remote vs. hybrid vs. in-person whiplash, the informed politicizing of health and safety issues, and the stress that we, our families, and the students we serve have held. And with Spring Break around the corner, it’s not a moment too soon.

The upheaval of the pandemic revealed the need and generated the impetus to improve our grading—a thaw in the frozen century-old structure of grading—and across the country, K-16 institutions began to finally dislodge themselves from traditional grading methods to be more accurate, bias-resistant, and motivational. We will all need to continue constructing more equitable grading and resist the temptation to return to the normal, frozen systems. Let us inspire, encourage, and empower ourselves to continue to bring the heat!

We have wonderful news about the tidal wave of interest and the growing K-16 commitment across the country for equitable grading.

Summer Institute Dates Coming Soon!

Stay tuned for more information regarding both in-person AND remote opportunities for our annual Grading for Equity Summer Institutes.

Learn more about how we support schools, districts, and colleges/universities with this important work!

Interested in additional ways to learn about equitable grading?

Join the schools and districts whose teachers enrolled in the Grading for Equity online course!

The Grading for Equity online course for the Spring term has begun!

Learn more about our course

If you have any questions on bulk enrollment (more than 5 people), please contact Ashley at

Register Now!