
EBCC Newsletter

Winter 2021

Photo by Ľubo Ondráško;

Dear reader,

It does sometimes feel like the EBCC is always the bringer of bad news. In recent months analyses using data from EBCC programmes such as the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme have revealed that Europe has lost 600 million breeding birds since the 1980s, that our countryside is becoming quieter through the loss of bird song, and that one in five of Europe’s bird species is threatened or near-threatened with extinction. It would be easy to feel disheartened!

The best way for us all to respond is, of course, to fight hard against biodiversity loss and to enable the recovery of nature. By providing the essential evidence base to support and direct conservation, that is what the EBCC comunity is doing. Of course, sharing our findings is a vital part of this work, so I am pleased that below you can read about new PECBMS outputs as well as a number of fantastic new national atlases. And finally, we hope to share exciting news about the online version of the European Breeding Bird Atlas 2 very shortly, so stay tuned!

All the best,

Not silent yet: the shifting sounds of spring

Meet national coordinators involved in the PECBMS

The Czech Common Bird Monitoring Scheme is one of the oldest schemes in Europe. Starting in 1982 by Karel Šťastný, it has been running for 40 years. Today, there are three scheme coordinators. Since 2004, Jiří Reif has been involved, and his primary responsibility today is to use the monitoring data for scientific purposes: he leads his own studies and communicates with other data users. Petr Voříšek, well known as the previous PECBMS coordinator and one of the EBBA2 coordinators, is also a member of the coordination team of the scheme consisting of two surveys, the older one using point counts and the new one using line transect. The third coordinator is the Czech Society for Ornithology (CSO) director, Zdeněk Vermouzek, who is responsible mainly for the recruitment and communication with volunteer fieldworkers as well as keeping an eye on the software and organising programmers when needed.

Copyright (C) 2021 Czech Society for Ornithology on behalf of the EBCC. All rights reserved.

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