Dear reader,
This is a special edition of the EBCC's newsletter, as we have an exciting development that we want you to know of. After much work by the team who produced the award-winning (see below for details on that!) European Breeding Bird Atlas 2 book, we are proud to share the new, interactive online version of the atlas, featuring all the maps from the book, and even previously unpublished ones. This is another example of technical excellence and partnership across the EBCC network producing outstanding products, and evidence of our desire to make outputs from EBCC projects available to support conservation and research. Please check it out, enjoy exploring the resource, and help spread the word.
And on the subjects of the EBCC network and information-sharing, I am delighted to say that after consultation with the EBCC board the Swiss Ornithological Institute have confirmed that they will host the EBCC conference, Bird Numbers 2022, in Lucerne in April as planned - as an in-person event. We hope to see as many attendees there as possible, enjoying a safe and rewarding conference.
All the best,