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December 13, 2021
Dear Praying Friend,

Here’s the quick summary: the covid situation in the Philippines has recently improved enough that we expect that we can return now in August. So we plan to stay in Canada for only 6 months instead of the original year we had planned. This also means we need to raise only half the support—that need is officially met! We are grateful. Here’s a bit more about that story…
When my husband told me that he thought we ought to move to another country, yet unknown, in four months, my initial response was alarm if not panic. Yes, our furlough travels would be finished in 2.5 months, before the holidays. Yes, he could maintain his current online-only ministry in the Philippines equally well anywhere in the world. Yes, we were still uncertain when we could return to the Philippines. And yes, most definitely, Jesus told us to go and the needs around the world are staggering.
But where exactly would we go? We were already in limbo between two different countries; how could we add a third? Countries the world over were responding in alarming and unpredictable ways to Covid. Isn’t this a startlingly bad time to move internationally short-term? We only have English and Tagalog as usable languages. How could we find a place with a significant need and openness in spite of Covid and a way to minister meaningfully and immediately under these limitations?
We have received many kind gifts of crocheted blankets, gloves, and lots of good advice from people who really know how to beat the cold!
Déjà vu. Eight and a half years ago, Joel thought we ought to agree to go to Alberta for him to teach a block class at a Bible college. While the type of ministry fit his gifting and our burden, the timing seemed imprudent to me. It would mean scrambling to get a passport for our baby still not born, going there with a 3-month-old and 25-month-old, only 1.5 months before moving to the Philippines. I saw the chaos and uncertainty. It wasn’t a simple decision, but we did go. We all loved it. Joel said he would love to pour his life into this ministry if he only had a second life.
Our little family headed off to teach in Canada 8 1/2 years ago.
Eight years later, similar conversation. And God transformed what initially was a burden for my husband and a terrifying pile of alarming and endless unknowns for me into a powerful, shared burden to use this unexpected season fully. This should not surprise. He tells us that as we delight in Him, He will give us the desires of our heart–not that He gives us what we want, but that He transforms what we want, giving us desires like His own. What is nearer to His heart than the worldwide progress of the gospel? We could trust Him to lead us. Trusting Him does not mean you wait for a message in the clouds in the sky. (Those poor clouds, always being subjected to expectation of such finite and uninteresting messages. They and the rocks have better things to say should they cry out or post messages.) Trusting God means following Him when you don’t actually (think you) know.
What initially was a leap of faith took form rapidly, with startling clarity and striking perfection. We consulted our leadership in the Philippines and our mission board, mentioning our burden and idea in seed-form, checking for any reservations or concerns or feedback. How wonderful to have counselors accustomed to the wrinkles of international living and the flexibility needed at such a time!
All were only supportive and enthusiastic. In response to our question of need for where to go, one of the leadership team emailed us, asking us to consider a particular need: would we consider joining Pastor Bud Talbert and his family in Canada, who have prayed long for a supported missionary to assist them in the Bible college there? 
We could not have designed something so perfectly. We didn’t need to; God did. We won’t get a second life to serve at this like-minded college, but God unexpectedly gave us 6 wonderful months. It is still only 6 months. The long-term need remains. Please pray with us that God would provide a supported missionary for this wonderful college after our short window of service.
A class at Foundation Baptist College taught by Pastor Bud Talbert
Four months after that seed conversation, and we are now in the thick of transition. He does indeed do “exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think.” God provided completely for the greater expense of living in Canada through the generosity of dear friends, strong churches, and even people we barely met at some of those churches.
Friends and family have given gorgeous mittens, some of the warmer clothes needed for a drastically different climate, and time to pack and work through dizzying details without distraction (in other words–babysitting for free). Many contacted us just to tell us they are praying for us. The support for this huge and quick change has been overwhelmingly sweet. We Christians do this work as a body.

We all know God has already told us to go. We all know there are pressing needs around the world. We all would say He is able to meet the needs in the going. Actually going—internationally or at least well beyond personal expectations and comfort zones—transforms immaterial knowledge into life-giving faith. We should not ultimately go because of a romantic feeling, a sweet nostalgia, or a peculiar suitability to a specific place. We must go because we serve our Savior and Redeemer—the One Who gave His life for us so we could die to self and live for Him; the One Who is worth it; Who loves each individual the world over and tells us to go and tell them; Who is able to overcome any and all barriers as we follow Him wherever.

We were grateful for the chance this thanksgiving to spend time with both of our parents.

Honestly, the unknowns have not gone away; they have only changed form. We do not even know all the problems, much less the best solutions. Our God, meanwhile, is unchangeable and trustworthy and all-powerful. We don’t go forward because we know the circumstances. We go forward because we know Him.

Thank you so much for your encouragement, support, and prayers! 
Sarah for all!
We got a new prayer card picture and look forward to sending prayer cards soon!
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