We exist to magnify Jesus by making disciples who share and show the transforming power of the gospel, and plant churches that multiply in the city of Greensburg and to the ends of the earth.

Thank you!

Dear Gospel Partners,

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the reality of Jesus coming in the flesh to save sinners by grace through faith in Him alone. He lived, died, and rose again for God's glory and our good. What we could not do for ourselves, God did! What mercy we have been shown...Amen!

Thank you for praying for us and generously giving this past year. Once again, you've shown your love for God, His gospel, Greensburg and us through your grace driven effort of prayer and financial generosity.

It reminds us again of what Paul wrote in Philippians 4:10-20. Paul said he was thankful for the Philippian church because it was the only church that entered into gospel partnership with him from the very beginning of his ministry.

In a similar way, you've made a purposeful commitment to partner with us through prayer and giving right out of the gate this past year and we're very thankful. We could not have done it without you!

In summary, this past year, our church planting journey began in Greensburg. Our core team moved into different neighborhoods throughout the city, made many new friends who have become family, and began gathering publicly for Sunday morning worship in a building in the heart of Greensburg.

We believe the church should share and show the transforming power of the gospel through ministry efforts that directly impact people's lives both now and for eternity. So, we will be starting a ministry outpost in January on one of the busiest streets in downtown Greensburg as we seek to meet the many needs of people in our community as well as holding services in our current building.

Having both of these locations will position us this year for continued gospel growth, in us and through us, as we magnify Jesus and make disciples in the everyday stuff of life.

Please prayerfully consider helping us sustain and build upon the momentum we have going into 2022 through your commitment of prayer and financial generosity throughout this next year. We can't do this without you!

Also, help us finish 2021 strong by dedicating your end of the year giving towards our efforts, as many people like to do so for tax purposes. You can do so through clicking on the link below:

And as always, continue to pray for God's powerful work in and through us as we labor to see the gospel advance in Greensburg and to the ends of the earth!

In Christ,


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