January 6, 2022
Updated North Dakota Historic Preservation Plan Available
BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has released the latest version of the historical component of the state historic preservation plan, "Historic Preservation in North Dakota, 2022-2027: A Statewide Comprehensive Plan." It is available at bit.ly/NDHPPlan. Annually, the National Historic Preservation program, sponsored by the National Park Service, brings approximately $750,000 into the state to underwrite historic property surveys, National Register of Historic Places nominations, building restorations, site protection, certified local government activities, technical assistance to the public, and other initiatives.
Periodic updating of the state’s comprehensive historic preservation plan is a federal requirement for North Dakota’s participation in the National Historic Preservation program. A limited number of paper copies are available for people without internet access. Copies may also be available in other publication formats for those with special needs. For paper or other formats, contact Historic Preservation Specialist Zachary J. Lechner at 701.328.3576, zlechner@nd.gov, or at Archaeology and Historic Preservation Division, North Dakota Heritage Center, 612 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58505-0830.
Zachary J. Lechner, 701.328.3576
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