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Turning the Page

“Turn the page, continue reading,
And let the next story begin…” — Suzanne Weyn

When my New Year’s Resolutions always left town by February, I gave them up. Instead, I choose a theme for the year, something I care about and want to grow. It actually feels like the theme chooses me. All year, then, I tune into – actually liveinto – that theme.


My 2021 theme was Wonder, both the noun and the verb.

Reporting on Wonder

As weird as 2021 was, with the practical and emotional roller coaster of the pandemic, I experienced a lot of wonder. Here are samplings:

Wonder, the noun:

• When my daughter and granddaughter visited from the west coast in May, I was filled with the wonder of reunion with loved ones.
• My garden was spectacular this year. I loved it and it loved me back.
• 4 squirrels chase each other – under a car, up a tree, down the tree, under the car, up the tree, round and round. So much fun for them and for me. I watched in wonder.


Wonder, a verb:

• What would it take for people to focus more on what they have in common than on what they see differently?
• I wonder what would change if newscasters reported mostly good news instead of mostly bad?
• When and how will COVID 19 stop mutating?


Holding wonder close kept me curious and feeling grateful for what is beautiful, what is good, and what might be.


2022 Theme: Connection

The theme that chose me for 2022 is Connection. Maybe that’s because I’m in awe of the many ways people have figured out to stay connected even when apart. I recently attended arguably the best conference of my life, and it was on Zoom. Who could have imagined? 


My intention is to watch for and create connections. I have never been an initiator in relationships. It may be time for that to change. I want to honor connections – relationships with people who have a home in my heart even when we aren’t in touch for long periods. I want to remember connections with people who have died, whose presence I still feel. I’m open to new connections.


Will You Let a Theme Choose You?

As you look forward to 2022, what idea or feeling pops into your mind repeatedly? What question? What would enrich your life to contemplate? Research? Why would that be worthwhile? Ask yourself a bunch of questions and give it time to bubble up. Name your theme for the year. Write it on a sticky note and post it on your bathroom mirror. By June, it will change your way of being and your behavior.


Stories don’t end. They continue as long as you’re alive.
You just have to get on with things. 
Turn the page, start a new chapter, find out what’s in store for you next. 

Daren Shan




Coaching Questions

  1. How well have New Year’s resolutions worked for you in the past?
  2. If you are willing to ponder something that really matters to you and make it your theme for 2022, what is it?
  3. Let me know your theme. It will connect us.

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I am a coach. To find out how I might be helpful to you, please email me at to schedule a Discovery Session. 


I've written Fresh Views every month since 2000. The best have been collected into a book titled Fresh Views on Resilient Living. Purchase it here from Amazon.

My partner in Two Wise Women, Nancy Smyth, and I have published another book, Chocolate or Lunch, How Choices Impact Relationships. If you have any tense relationships that need help, this book is for you! Find it here: Chocolate or Lunch on Amazon.



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