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Carpentries Clippings, 22 December 2021

The Carpentries 2021 Gratitudes Project

We are taking time throughout December 2021 to reflect, write and share our community green stickies for the year.

How to Share Your Gratitudes
Please either share:

  • Directly on Twitter with the hashtag #CarpentriesGratitude
  • Add a comment to this GitHub issue
  • Send your gratitude to and we will share on your behalf, anonymously or with your name attached.
Core Team Gratitudes
The Carpentries Core Team has spent time putting together videos and messages thanking the community. We are continually publishing these over the next week, and you can find them on The Carpentries Twitter or by viewing the YouTube Playlist
View #CarpentriesGratitude Hashtag on Twitter

We Value All Contributions - The Carpentries 2021 Fundraiser
There are 10 days left in our campaigns! As of today, we are 53% of the way to reaching our goal!

alt text: An orange progress bar showing 53% or $2,650 towards a goal of $5,000

Funds we get from this campaign will help us:

  • Offer greater diversity in the languages we teach and interact in.

  • Recognize and appreciate the different cultural norms that exist around data, programming, teaching, and volunteering in different regions to improve our programs and services.

  • Collaborate with existing organisations to reach broader communities.

  • Authentically engage broader communities, working with, not for them.

Learn more about how you can help support The Carpentries

What You May Have Missed on the Blog


The Lesson Infrastructure Commitee: Past, Present, and Future 

We re-evaluate the historical role of the Lesson Infrastructure Community to understand how we can maintain community advocacy in our infrastructure

Community Opportunity Postings


Toolshed (Posts from Our Past)

In November of 2020, Carpentries Executive Director, Kari L. Jordan wrote a post about how donations and fundraising are used to support the work of the Carpentries.
The Carpentries is funded in part by grants and donations, and donating even a small amount can make a big difference - we value all contributions!
Donate to The Carpentries
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