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Holiday Virtual Peer Support Groups | December 25 & January 1st | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM 

No plans for the holiday season? You don't need to spend it alone. Come join us at The Meeting Spot for a  chance to socialize, make friends, and have fun. We will play games, share laughs and inspire hope and positive vibes!  We are here to support you. The Zoom meeting link will be provided upon registration. Register here to attend >>

For upcoming virtual groups in January, visit or Download the January Calendar

Are you grieving the loss of a loved one during the pandemic?
"Learning to Cope with Death in a Pandemic' is an 8-week group that provides an opportunity to help you express your grief, learn the bereavement process, and understand the journey that we all share when we lose someone close to us.

Join us every Thursday from 1-3 pm (January 27 to March 17) for the opportunity to share how the impact of the pandemic has affected our experiences. This group is open to anyone who has experienced a loss in the past two years and is facilitated by York Support Services Network, Addiction Services of Central Ontario, and Krasman Centre. For more information or to register, send an email to Cathleen Marengeur at

The Richmond Hill Drop-by Centre is open for the holidays 

Located at 10121 Yonge St., The Krasman Centre Richmond Hill Drop by Centre will be open during the holidays from 11:00 am-3:00 pm. The centre offers front-door access to food, survival and hygiene items, harm reduction kits, and peer support to individuals experiencing homelessness. Showers are also available. For more information, please call the centre at 905-780-0491.

It's Okay to Ask for Support: Warm Line & Peer Crisis Support Phone & Chat Services 

Lonely? Overwhelmed? Don't know where to turn? If you are struggling and looking for support, connect with us with our 24/7 Warm Line at 1-888-777-0979 or use our Live Chat feature for one-on-one crisis chatting or online emotional support. We've been there and can empathize with you. Callers will not be asked to provide personal information to order to use the service. The conversation is confidential and anonymous.  For chat services, please visit>>
Stay Safe and Don't Use Alone!

The Safer Use Peer Support Line is a toll-free phone line service that provides safer drug use information, peer-based substance use 'witnessing' to people who use drugs to increase safety and comfort for those most at risk of an overdose. If you are alone and using, connect with a Peer Supporter over the phone to spot you. Peer Supporters who answer calls have lived experience with drug use. 

Krasman Centre is proud to be an organization that centres its work around harm reduction policy and practice. We believe in building relationships with people with addiction challenges and accept that substance use is part of our world, and we remain committed to minimizing its harmful effects rather than simply ignoring and condemning them. Safer Use Peer Support Line will be operating throughout the holidays from 8 PM - 1 AM. 
Drop-by Program in Newmarket - Access to Hot Meals, Warmth and Resources 

The Drop-by program in Newmarket offers anyone experiencing homelessness a place to warm up, shower, eat and connect with a peer supporter.  

Located at 100 Eagle Street West (Ray Twinney Recreation Complex) Hours of operation: Monday-Friday from 10 AM - 4 PM. Phone: 647-512-8754. This program is run in partnership with Inn from the Cold Newmarket, Town of Newmarket, The Regional Municipality of York, and Krasman Centre. Please note the Newmarket Drop-by will be closed on Friday, December 24 and Friday, December 31st. 
Community Legal Clinic of York Region

The Community Legal Clinic of York Region (‘CLCYR’) is a not-for-profit organization that serves low-income residents in York Region. The clinic is staffed by lawyers, paralegals and support staff and offers free legal help to those who meet our financial eligibility criteria. Services offered:
  • Social Assistance matters (Appeals for Ontario Works (OW) and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
  • Employment Insurance (EI Appeals)
  • Landlord & Tenant matters (Housing Issues)
  • Family Law
  • Immigration Law
Address: 21 Dunlop St., Suite 200 in Richmond Hill.
Clinic Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Phone: (905) 508-5018 Toll Free: 1-888-365-5226 Fax: (905) 508-7539 Website: 
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For more information on our programs and services, please visit
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10121 Yonge Street
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Krasman Centre · 10121 Yonge Street · Richmond Hill, On L4C 1T7 · Canada