December 23, 2021
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Dear Beloved of All Saints,

As we approach Christmas AND brace ourselves for the way things are changing with the Omicron variant, I wanted to write to you about how we will continue to worship together at All Saints. 

First, please know that though we are not epidemiologists we check daily statistics, read the latest news and advice for protecting our community.

How we currently protect one another at All Saints:

  1. Masks: We require masks of all people while indoors. Masks are only effective if worn over both nose and mouth.
  2. Children in worship: We know that children are able to receive vaccinations if over 5 years old. If your vaccinations are not up-to-date or if you have not received your booster, please keep children safe by maintaining physical distance while wearing masks.
  3. Vaccination and Caution: We are a community with high rates of vaccination and that takes science seriously, is careful about getting tested, and stays home if ill or receiving a positive test. Out of caution, many in our community have not yet returned to in-person worship.
  4. Diocesan Requirements: We follow diocesan requirements that Communion be provided in ONE kind—individual wafers—and that masks are worn indoors.

The above precautions have kept us safe for nearly 15 months at All Saints; as far as we know, there has been no transmission at church! The new Omicron variant has caused us to take another look at our behavior and guidelines. Omicron now accounts for about 75% of COVID infections in our country, spreading rapidly and multiplying quickly, even to those fully vaccinated and boosted. Luckily, the vaccine seems to prevent serious illness in most people.

NEW Guidelines at All Saints to address the Omicron variant: 

  1. Masks at ALL times: We STRONGLY recommend that you wear a KN95 mask or a surgical mask since KN95 masks protect both the wearers and those around them. Surgical masks are the next best thing. Cloth and other masks offer some but much less protection.
  2. Who should worship by Livestream: Some people should not be in the sanctuary with others including those who are not fully vaccinated, or who have underlying medical conditions which put them at higher risk for severe complications from COVID infection. If this is the case for you, we ask that you participate in Christmas worship through a virtual offering. (This is why we offer livestream every Sunday at 9:30 am and for important services like those on Christmas Eve.)
  3. Notification of Covid infection: Please inform me if you or a visitor you bring to a service in person tests positive within a week of that service.

Christmas Services: We will still have in-person services on Christmas Eve. We know after the past 22 months of missing so many special events that we all want to be together and to celebrate Christmas with in-person worship, but please follow the above guidelines. Our 5pm Christmas Eve Service will be live steamed and on zoom. We do want to keep some of the special traditions of Christmas and, so, will be lighting candles for “Silent Night” at our Christmas Eve service; however, we ask that you do not blow them out inside. Instead, extinguish the candles outside after the service and leave them in the baskets that will be outside our front door. 

I know how very tired we all are of canceling carefully made plans, living in constrained ways, and “pivoting” constantly. We do know how to care for one another, how to laugh and have fun and support one another in great times and tough times, even if it has to be done over Zoom. The light has shone in the darkness, and the darkness has not, will not, overcome it. That’s what we celebrate each time we gather. I am thankful for your caution, care for others and yourselves. I look forward to seeing you in person or on the screen as we shine the light given to each of us!

Faithfully, Marya

Copyright © *2020* *All Saints North Shore, Danvers*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

46 Cherry Street, Danvers, MA 01923 / email:

The Rev. Marya DeCarlen, Priest 

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