
Sunday Service Follow-Up

December 26, 2021 

Thank you for joining us today! Below are questions for you to consider related to today's message, "A Greater Glory" from Haggai 2:1-9. We'd love to hear your feedback about how our service is going!

  1. Reread Haggai 2:1-9. How do you think the people would have felt when they heard this from Haggai? How would they have felt as they waited to see the promises fulfilled?
  2. We all have a hard time waiting. Why is that the case? Why are we so easily enamored by less glorious things?
  3. How does Luke 2:22-35 point to the fulfillment of the promises of Haggai 2? How does that give you hope and confidence in the faithfulness of God to keep his promises?
  4. As we find ourselves waiting now for full restoration, how can these texts encourage you to trust God and look to Jesus for glory, peace, and hope? How does knowing what God says in Revelation 21 encourage and help you to do this?
  5. Who is someone you can encourage this week with something you learned from the text or sermon?
  • 2022 Bible Reading Plan: Reading the Bible each day helps us to know God better and renew our minds so we can think thoughts after him, and be transformed into his likeness. Click here to download the Bible Reading Plan for 2022 or pick one up at the Welcome Center.
  • Christianity Explored: Christianity Explored is a seven week series that starts on January 12 and meets on Wednesdays over (free) dinners. This is a great place to invite someone who doesn't know Christ yet, or if you have questions about God yourself! Please contact Kenneth Maresco for more information about this series or register through our website.
Songs from Sunday (Spotify Playlist):
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Citizens & Saints
The Cradle and the Cross - Austin Stone Worship
O Come, All You Unfaithful - Sovereign Grace Music
Grace Alone - The Modern Post
All Glory Be to Christ - Kings
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus - Red Mountain
Jesus Is Better - Austin Stone Worship

Next Sunday: The Great Salvation, Hebrews 2:1-4, Kristo Voda
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