Annually we attend the the world's largest Promotional Product and Decorated Clothing Tradeshow in Las Vegas.

All of the top manufacturers in the industry are there, showcasing the newest and hottest items for 2022. 

We want to take you with us!

How? Email us the details of any upcoming events or specific types of items you would like to see. We will search for those items while at the virtual tradeshow and send images and pricing after the event.

So you basically have your own personal shopper!

Just reply to this email and let us know if there is a category or specific type of search you have in mind. For example, tradeshow giveaways, cool sweatshirts,  or unique items in your company color.

It's that easy!

Within two weeks of the tradeshow we will send an email that highlights the hot products for all the top categories we saw. If you asked for specific ideas you will get those in a separate email. 

We look forward to searching for you and your organization in 2022!
Please feel free to forward this to anyone in your office or any of your colleagues who make these types of purchases.
If you see our posts on Facebook or LinkedIn please like and share to help us get the good word out. 
Call us today at 918-248-8144 to discuss how we can help you and your team!

Shannon Thompson, Todd Fimple and Karyl Henry

Oklahoma Promo
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