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On 12 December, Independent Cinemas Australia (ICA) started a 12-day campaign to persuade the Morrison Government not to abandon Australia’s most loved entertainment venues on Christmas Eve.
Instead of responding to their cry for the help, Minister Paul Fletcher yesterday reallocated the SCREEN Fund relief promised to indie cinemas to the COVID-19 Arts Sustainability Fund.
“Minister Fletcher is spending this week announcing billions in urban infrastructure spending around Australia while our arts and culture struggles” said Adrianne Pecotic, ICA’s CEO.
“It’s an act of incredible cynicism and insulting to every arts and culture organisation to have to fight to the death over the scraps of the Morrison’s Governments’ relief.”
“To suggest that the sector has now recovered shows no understanding of small businesses” said Scott Seddon President of ICA and owner of Scotty’s Cinemas Raymond Terrace and Heddon Greta Drive-in.

“Hollywood movies are returning but local cinemas are only just starting to get back on their feet after months trading at 67% down on pre-pandemic revenue.”
“I agree” said Kristian Connelly of Melbourne’s iconic art-house Cinema Nova.
“The comments quoted by Minister Fletcher, attributed to me, are made in relation to audience choice at the cinema only. It should not be suggested that cinema exhibition has returned to anything resembling ‘business as usual’.
I am disappointed by the misuse of my comments by Minister Fletcher to renege on promises made to our industry while cinema exhibition continues to suffer from the significant losses incurred throughout the COVID-19 crisis.”
 Scott Seddon observed: “Revenue is still 55% down on top of businesses facing increased costs to operate COVID-safe premises, no cashflow reserves and obligations to pay back debts incurred over the last two years. Those losses can’t be recovered overnight”  
Natalie Miller AO, of Cinema Nova expressed her disappointment at yesterday’s announcement.
“Taking relief away from independent cinemas is not excused by allocating it to other arts businesses in distress. The Morrison Government needs to be seen to honour its commitments, and to provide adequate support where it is needed.”
Tony Burke, Shadow Minister for the Arts will be attending Roseville Cinema in Minister Fletchers electorate of Bradfield on Friday 17 December at 11am with 2nd generation owner Emma Addario and Scott Seddon to call on the Government to reinstate the funds and issue a second round of COVID relief to keep the doors open at independent cinemas all around Australia.
On 26 March 2021 the Morrison Government announced it was “committing $20 million to assist independent cinema operators. The Supporting Cinemas’ Retention Endurance and Enhancement of Neighbourhoods (SCREEN) Fund, administered by Screen Australia, will assist independent cinema operators who have experienced significant declines in revenue due to the pandemic.”
The SCREEN Fund is due to expire on 24 December, with almost $10 million still unallocated. The Federal Government has resisted calls to use the remaining money to make a second round of funding available to independent cinemas who have been impacted by the Delta variant in 2021 and on 16 December announced that $ 9 million was being reallocated to the COVID-19 Arts Sustainability Fund”.
Independent cinemas employ thousands of Australians and contribute to the vibrancy of local communities and business precincts. They also play an important role in bringing Australian films to Australian audiences, particularly in regional Australia, where most cinemas are run by independent operators.
ICA cinemas host more than 27 million visitors a year.
They inject some $250 million into our economy every year.
More than $110 million a year goes straight into regional Australia where our cinemas are the heart of the community contributing social engagement, keeping small towns vibrant and sustaining surrounding restaurants, shops, and businesses.
Independent cinemas are critical infrastructure for Australia’s cultural landscape and our local film industry. Despite the dominance of Hollywood movies, more Australian’s see Australian stories at independent cinemas than any other cinema location.
Independent cinemas contribute up to 90% or more of the box office for Australian feature films.
Media Enquiries: Lucy Robson 0419 290 666 
ICA is a not-for-profit industry association that develops, supports, and represents the interests of independent cinemas and their affiliates across Australia and New Zealand. We represent 180 independent cinemas across 688 screens in Australia.
Independent cinemas are mostly small and family businesses, often multigenerational, located in every state and territory in Australia from single screens in rural areas through to metropolitan multiplex circuits and iconic arthouse cinemas including Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace, Cinema Nova, Randwick Ritz, Palace Cinemas, Dendy Cinemas, Grand Cinemas, Ace Cinemas, Luna Cinemas, Cineplex Cinemas, Wallis Cinemas, and Majestic Cinemas.
Over 75% of ICA’s independent cinemas are in regional Australia providing vital social and cultural infrastructure to their local communities.
Many independent cinemas are also in key metro locations. They are among Australia’s most iconic art-house cinemas ensuring high-quality cinema and diversity of choice for film lovers in every major city.

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