
Saturday's 8:00am Gentle Yoga Class with Mo will be cancelled. Thank you for understanding!

As we head into the holidays, we want to ask all of our members to be especially mindful of proper mask usage. The state mandate is still in effect, and we want to ensure everyone is able to enjoy a happy, healthy holiday season.

Today we're wrapping up a great Basketball season. Our youngest athletes have made some serious strides in their skills on the court!

Winter 2022 registration is now open! The season will run 1/11-3/18 for grades K-8. They will practice Tuesdays and have a game Friday. You can get special discounts for Early Bird registration, so don't miss out.

New this year: register with a friend who is new to the team and you'll both get a $15 discount!

Spots are filling quick, so be sure to register with the Front Desk or email Coach Jackie for more details.

Winter Break is just around the corner, and we have a lot of fun planned for the school holidays. 

Check out our full camp selection below, and be sure to note the field trip days. Those will fill up fast!

We are so excited to announce that we've added two new options to our Kids Schedule! Raellyne will be teaching Gymnastics at 4pm, and a Kids HIIT class at 5pm. These classes are included with membership, and start at age 5.

Please be present to drop your child off and for pickup in a timely manner. As a reminder, parents must stay on-site for all non-paid children's programming. 

As we get closer to the holidays, we want to make you aware of our schedule so you can plan accordingly:

Christmas Eve, 12/24: Closing at 2pm
Christmas Day, 12/25: Closed all day
New Year's Eve, 12/31: Closing at 2pm

The Bistro will be closed on both Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.

We will be open for regular hours New Year's Day. Thank you for your understanding, as our wonderful staff get to enjoy the holidays with their loved ones.

We will be taking January off due to the holidays, but that doesn't mean you can't start reading! Our book for February will be The Girls by Abigail Presta. 

Book Club will meet in the Bistro at 5pm on Wednesday, February 9th. We will see you then!
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