Newsletter - January 2022

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Is there a solution to secure equal justice for children in child protection? Yes, we can look to the English family court system and establish a Children´s Guardian arrangement, suggests Marit Skivenes. 



Grant awarded for global research on child protection systems

The interdisciplinary research project "Child Protection Systems Across the World" (CPS-WORLD) tackles a looming gap in welfare state research on how and the extent to which different child protection systems across the globe protect children from abuse, neglect, and maltreatment when parents or family are unable or unwilling to care for them.


How do citizens balance children's rights against parents' rights?

Professor Marit Skivenes and colleagues at UC Berkeley, USA, compare citizens' rights orientations in context of child protection in Norway and California (USA) in this article published in the International Journal of Social Welfare. 


Justifying care order decisions in cases of violence

PhD Fellow at DIPA, Audun Løvlie, and Professor Marit Skivenes published a new article in the Nordic Journal on Law and Society, where they examine the Norwegian County Social Welfare Board's care order justifications in cases where children are subject to violence. 


Views on thresholds and reasons for child protection interventions

In this article, published in the European Journal of Social Work, Professor Marit Skivenes explores cross-country variation of population views on the thresholds and reasons for child protection measures. Do media outlets who strongly criticize child protection agencies accurately reflect value positions of a society?


How are adoptions from care justified?

Our very own Hege Stein Helland expertly defended her dissertation "Discretion and the Demand for Reasons: Justifications for the Child's Best Interests in Decisions on Adoption from Care in England and Norway" for the degree of PhD at the University of Bergen, Friday 18 November.


"Under His Eye": Poland inches closer to Gilead as it targets children and families

Gilead, Margaret Atwood’s authoritarian dystopia in The Handmaid’s Tale, where women’s role is reduced to forced procreation, has served as a powerful symbol for progressive groups around the world in denouncing the erosion of human rights, specifically women’s rights. Poland takes another step in the direction of authoritarianism, writes Neil Datta.


Who pays for foster care?

United States Federal Law make the parents pay for foster care. The intention is to make foster care shorter - but do the law work according to the intention? Professor II at the Centre, Jill D. Berrick, argues that the policy lengthens children's stay in foster care, deepens family poverty, is cost-ineffective and frustrates the values of the child protection system: it neither support families nor help children. 


Barnevernfrokost: Improving Danish child protection

In May 2021, the Danish government, together with a broad coalition in the Danish Parliament, agreed on taking concerted steps to improve help to children and families at risk. The agreement included policy and legislative changes that seek to better secure children's rights, improve the quality in care order cases, and provide children and families more stability. What do these changes actually mean in practice? What are the benefits and drawbacks of the proposed changes?
We have the following vacancy at the DIPA-Centre:

Research Assistant (DIPA) | University of Bergen (listing is in Norwegian)
Application deadline 01.02.2022

From collaborators

Changing Childhood Project 

Colleagues at UNICEF have published results from a global survey investigating the experiences and perspectives of children and young people. Asking more than 22.000 respondents, the survey seeks to answer what it is like growing up today and how young people see the world. Marit Skivenes contributed in preparation for the survey. 

Degree of acceptance for corporal punishment of children

Former research team-member, Hasan Muhammed Baniamin, published work he did while at the Centre in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. The article seeks to identify people's degree of acceptance of parental corporal punishment of children. Findings show that the presence of emancipative values and nonmasculine values are associated with lower support for corporal punishment. 
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Recent publications from the Centre

Berrick, J. D., M. Skivenes and J. N. Roscoe (2021). Children's rights and parents' rights: Popular attitudes about when we privilege one over the other. International Journal of Social Welfare, 1-14.

Helland, H. S. (2021). In the Best Interest of the Child? Justifying Decisions on Adoption from  Care in the Norwegian Supreme Court. The International Journal of Children's Rights29(3), 609- 639.

Helland, H. S. (2021). Reasoning between Rules and Discretion: A Comparative Study of the Normative Platform for Best Interest Decision-Making on Adoption in England and Norway. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family35(1).

Skivenes, Marit (2021) Exploring populations view on thresholds and reasons for child protection intervention - comparing England, Norway, Poland and Romania. European Journal of Social Work. Ahead-of-print, 1-16.

McEwan-Strand, Amy and Marit Skivenes (2021) “Children’s Capacities and Role in Matters of Great Significance for Them: An Analysis of the Norwegian County Boards’ Decision-Making in Cases about Adoption from Care” in Fenton-Glynn and Sloan (eds.) Parental Guidance, State Responsibility and Evolving Capacities. Brill Nijhoff: Leiden, The Netherlands.

Løvlie, Audun Gabriel and Marit Skivenes (2021) “Justifying interventions in Norwegian child protection: An analysis of violence in migrant and non-migrant families in Norway.” Nordic Journal on Law and Society, Vol. 4 (2), 1-41.

Please contact us if you require access to any of the publications:
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DiscretionUiB DiscretionUiB
EN: The aim of this newsletter is to share news from the Centre and to disseminate research from our projects to interested parties, such as social care services, organizations, interest groups, media, and others that are interested in the child welfare field. Questions and enquiries can be directed to If you do not want to receive our newsletter, please click the "Unsubscribe" link below.

NO: Årsaken til at du mottar nyhetsbrevet vårt er at vi ønsker å dele nyheter fra senteret og formidle forskningen fra prosjektene våre ut til barneverntjenestene, organisasjoner, interessegrupper, media og andre interessenter på barnevernsfeltet. Spørsmål og henvendelser kan rettes til Dersom du ikke ønsker å motta nyhetsbrevet kan du melde deg av ved å klikke på lenken under.

Postal address
University of Bergen
Department of Administration and Organization Theory
C/O Marit Skivenes
P.O: 7802, 5020 Bergen

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