Good morning Lisa

Email 👇🏾important
Today is Monday, 1 more days before our Winter holiday school starts on Tuesday 21st 2021

Congratulations, your children are all booked and ready to start our Winter Holiday school, Our Winter Holiday spaces are almost fully booked and you got in just in time, below is specific information just for you and your child on the day/s you have booked.
Please make sure you bring your child in, on the days you said you would and pick them up on time, there is a £1 payment per minute you are late. Please bring cash.

Have you joined our parenting group?

The First Day of Winter Holiday school is:
Tuesday 21st December 2021 (Unless you booked to start on a different day)

Days Holiday School Is Open:
Week1: Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd, Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th December
Week2: Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th, Thursday 30th and Friday 31st December 

Address of venues:
Week 1: Centerpeace
64-66 Windmill Road, Croydon, CR02XP (next to inspire Nursery)

Week 2: Croydon scout group (7/12)
35a Birdhurst Rise CR2 7EJ
We may be able to pick up and drop your child in second week, please let us know from week 1

See below the time to drop and pick up your child for their 4 hours per day with us. Please only bring your child on the days you said you would on your application form unless prediscussed with myself (Mrs Celestina).

Drop off
11 am

Pick up
3 pm
11 am arrival  - 3 pm (please make sure your child gets to school on time as they will be missing out on important information if late, groups they will be in, as well as food which is given around 11:45, am to children)
*Every Thursday at pick up, you will be given a bag of food to take home if you attended the 2 days before and we need to start organising this at 11:30 am, so please make sure your child is already registered by 11 am.

Join Parenting Group

We understand that are a lot of concerns and uncertainty around the current Covid situation. So, we can assure you we are taking every measure possible to ensure all our staff and children remain as safe as possible whilst at camp. We are implementing a strict cleaning and sanitising regime of surfaces and equipment, as well as adhering to social distancing as much as possible.

*We will be checking your children's temperature before we accept them into holiday school each day, these checks will be done on staff too, as well as sanitising hands regularly.

Covid19 Compliance
*If your child has temperature, continuous cough, has come in contact with anyone with Covid or any other sickness, vomiting, or covid19 symptoms, please let us know immediately, and Do Not bring your child to Summer Holidays School. We can still provide your child/ren with activities, learning equipment, and food at home if this is the case.
Please email: immediately to alert us

If your child can not attend Holiday school for any reason please give us 48 hours' notice, this will allow us to still be able to organise for your child to have learning activities and food send home. This also means spaces can be given to another child to support another family in need of our services. 

If you have not yet joined the parenting group there is still time. Please make sure you answer the question before entering as your membership will not be accepted if you do not answer the questions to join.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me here and I aim to reply within 2 working days, 

*If you are not in the parenting group click to join and introduce yourself and let's get the ball rolling into Summer.

Activities we have in mind are to assist your child to build resilience, emotional intelligence, self-love, self-acceptance, brighter future plans and of course to interact with their peers and have lots of Fun with good quality healthy food.

You will need to provide your child with a water bottle and appropriate clothing and footwear for an activity-filled day.

As part of this programme, your child can expect to receive a healthy lunch every day. Whilst we cannot adjust the lunch for specific taste preferences we will adapt for any allergies or dietary requirements, which you have stated in the registration form.
Remember, everything you desire for you and your child is possible. MAKE TODAY COUNT!

I AM Sending You Virtual Hugs and Light

Kind regards

Celestina Oniye-Thomas

CEO, Head Of Psychotherapy and Parent Coach

Author of: Art Of Disciplining With Love 

You are getting this email because you registered your child for Croydon Holiday School 2021 with us, sponsored by the Department of Education and Croydon Council
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