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Message to the Staff, Rina's Resources, News, Our Employees of the Month, and OT Tips plus Birthdays and Anniversaries!

Greetings From Rina Barak

Relax, Reflect, and Start off the New Year Stronger

Dear SLEA Team,  

What a year!! I know so many of you have continued to work through some very challenging situations. You have supported families, helped make children stronger, were spread thin, and worked despite some very difficult situations. I want to commend all of you for pushing through and making it to the end of the year. As we approach the holidays, I want all of you to take some time off for YOU. Reflect on the past year and set goals both personally and professionally of where you want to be by the end of 2022. Think about what you would do differently if you can go back to the beginning of the year and what were the highlights and memories that you will carry with you and made a positive impact, and then write them down!  

I know when thinking through my goals, I will strive to make sure SLEA is a place for growth, support, hard work, fun, vacation time, community, quality, trust, and care. Our ESOP will always be a work in progress but ultimately this company is OURS! Let’s make it a place we love and our proud of. If you have feedback or ideas on how to make SLEA the best, do not hesitate to reach out.  I am always excited to hear from staff. Enjoy the holidays and let's come back stronger in 2022!! 

Best wishes! 

Rina Barak 


Sara's Savvy Sources

There are a ton of really fun winter and holiday themed speech and language activities to choose from. Here are a few easy no prep activities that you can use!

Autism Speaks Walk

A huge thank you to Team SLEA and all of those came out to support the Autism Speaks Walk at Dodger's Stadium on Saturday December 4th. We are so grateful for your presence that this event!

Milestones at SLEA

SLEA Anniversaries

Celebrating our December Anniversaries!
Celebrating our January Anniversaries!


SLEA Birthdays

Celebrating our December Birthdays!
Celebrating our January Birthdays!


CJ's Mental Health Tips

It’s Holiday Time!!! Time for celebrations, events, or getting together with family or friends.
 If you are looking for some fun things to do this season check out these interesting events.
Check this out if you are looking for feel-good gifts, those that support charitable interests
then read about the outreach partnership that Bloomingdales has formed to promote
children’s mental health and wellness.
And click here to find out how the purchase of a Bloomingdale’s Bear can make the world a better place!
Lorraine Montoya

December Employee of the Month!!!
What do I love about being an OT?
I love watching the progress of the clients. Especially over the past year the clients that have been on my caseload from day 1 of my SLEA journey. I feel proud of them, and to see their increased self-efficacy. I feel like I am doing my job when I hear some of my clients say, “I can do it! I have to believe in myself!” 

What are your favorite in clinic and virtual tools to use during your sessions?
My favorite item to use in the clinic is the scooter board combined with some sort of fine motor activity. My favorite item to use virtually depends on my client but it is a toss-up between Simon Says or Animal Walks.  
What do you like to do in your free time?
Somethings I like to do when I am not working…attending any LA sporting event, Disneyland, Knotts’s, or spending time with my 2 fur babies.  

Thank you Lorraine, for all of your hard work!

Karla Wedel

December Behavior Employee of the Month!!!

You came from an educational setting, how is behavior field similar? Different?
Since I was a special education teacher, not much is different. I always had kids who needed additional behavior support.
What do you appreciate most about your clients?
I appreciate all of the laughs and little moments. I love when they learn something new.
You’ve been a bit of a chameleon with your roles/ responsibilities, which do you prefer? Case manager or Mental Health Consultant?
I love being a Mental Health Consultant. I love to play with the littles and I believe strongly in early intervention!
Why is Miles (your son) so adorable?
Miles is so adorable because my husband is so handsome and I clearly just stepped off the runway.
Any fun plans for the holidays?
I look forward to catching up with all my Real Housewives! And of course, time with my baby Fabio.

Thank you Karla, for all your hard work!
Treatment Session Tips From 

Dr. Baily Zubel, OTD, OTR/L
Baily's OT Activity

Check out these awesome OT Winter Break Activities!
(Links to activities available on the image)

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