Announcements and Events for Luther Place Memorial Church | View in browser
Luther place

From the Senior Pastor

Dear Beloveds,


Happy New Year to you!


As I am gathering with people at a distance in-person or online, what I am noticing is that people are finding it difficult to hold on to the hope that we cultivated through Advent and Christmas of 2021.


This week while I was out walking our dogs, one of our neighbors synthesized their weariness and worry into one short line — Can you believe we are starting year number “3” of the pandemic?


I shook my head in response.


We may acknowledge our exhaustion, yet how do we cope?


We may acknowledge our collective grief, yet how do we bear it?


We may long for the stress and strain to cease, yet how can we face where we are?



I came and stood by the magnolia tree this week, and I watched it awhile.


Neither of us moved.


What could the magnolia tree offer while it is in its phase of winter dormancy? This time of year where all of the tree's energy is going towards maintaining its good health in erratic winter weather — is there any message beyond going back to bed and pulling the covers over our heads?


The tree remained still — it seems to know how to pause and wait for what’s next.


Maybe that is a small lesson in coping.


Pause and wait.


And I would add, pause and wait in faith.


As part of our congregation’s Faith Formation, we will offer a new way to pause and wait by spending 30 min on Saturday mornings, online, guided by the scripture assigned for the following day.


This will be an experiment we try through Lent.


Could it be that the simple gifts of scripture, community and God’s longing to connect with us creates a safe space for holding our lives through the difficult season we are in?


Let us find out together.


Stay tuned to next week's eNews for the details on connecting — for now, whatever age you are, consider showing up next Saturday at 10am as part of the virtual body of Christ.


I pray your blessing at the start of 2022.


In Christ,

Pastor Karen Brau


Coming up...
Singing, Wednesdays at 12:30pm
The Luther Place Staff invites you to a short time of singing together at LP each Wednesday at 12:30pm.
Reach out to 
Justin for more details.

Voting Rights

March for Voting Rights, MLK Day
On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 17th, activists and organizers from across the country will gather at the Frederick Douglass Bridge to march for voting rights legislation to be passed in the Senate. Click here for more information about the itinerary and where to meet to march.

Write to Your Senators
As a community committed to justice we pray the US Senate will act swiftly to pass critical voting rights legislation in the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act before MLK Day. The ELCA Advocacy is mobilizing Lutherans to write their Senators to support and pass this legislation. If you have a voting Senator you can 
take action here.
Teen Meetups
For more information on teen gatherings, please email 

Liturgy at Home
Join Pastor Karen on Facebook Live each Friday for a liturgy at home

Thursday-Saturday at 9PM EST with Pastor Karen on Facebook Live

Our Saturday School will take a two-week break and return on Saturday, January 23, at 10am with an Intergenerational Bible study for about 30 min facilitated by Pastor Karen. Some weeks we will be on zoom and other weeks on Facebook live.  Please email if you are interested in participating. 

Luther Place Epiphany Season Compline Retreat
Saturday, Jan 15, 3:30-5PM

Led by Pastor Karen Brau and Christiana Lundholm, this mini-retreat will gather during our Epiphany journey.
We look forward to spending time with those who registered!

Final Budget Committee Meeting

Luther Place Council invites committee and ministry leaders, and all members to attend our final Budget Committee Meeting which will be held on zoom on Sunday, January 23rd from 1:30-3:00pm.
The Senior Staff and Executive Committee of Luther Place Church are closely monitoring the Omicron COVID Surge in the DMV as well as corresponding public health guidance. We remain open for Sunday services and we continue to offer those services in-person and online simultaneously and encourage folks to make their own best safety decision in determining whether to attend in-person or online.
For our collective public health we continue to require face masks at all times, ask anyone feeling sick to stay home and strongly encourage everyone to get their vaccine and/or booster as soon as possible.
To find a vaccine appointment, please
CLICK HERE. If you need support receiving your vaccines or booster, this congregation is committed to community safety and can support you. Please email Council President Ben Brown and we will coordinate support.

Ushers Needed
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered as ushers since we've been back to in-person worship. Your presence has been critical in ensuring a smooth and safe re-open. As we look to 2022, we invite you to sign up to usher on Sundays for January-March. Even if you haven't ushered before, you are invited! Once you sign up, Kelsey Herbert will be in touch with you with additional information. Please mark your calendar with the dates you have signed up for as this is the official schedule. Thank you for considering this important ministry!

Congregational Annual Budget Meeting
Sunday, February 6th, 1PM EST
ALL MEMBERS are invited to attend Luther Place's Annual meeting. A Zoom link and details will be emailed in the near future. 

Bi-Monthly Soup after Worship

Join us for soup after worship every other Sunday - the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Special thank you to Barbara Parker and Angelica Lopez for providing this meal for our community.
our prayers
Pastor Karen Brau
We offer our prayers

We pray for all unhoused people
and for all college students.


We ask for God's help in addressing the collective grief that exists for over 846,000 people dead in this nation and 5.52 million around the world from COVID-19.  Christ have mercy...

Please email prayer requests for healing or other blessings to
Stay connected
Mission of the Moment:

Education Fund
A new effort to support students in their education.

Send eNews submissions to
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(202) 667-1377
Luther Place Memorial Church
1226 Vermont Avenue NW , Washington, DC 20005
Copyright © 2021 Luther Place Memorial Church, All rights reserved.

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