<<First Name>>, Echinacea has a multifunctional effect on skin: it is a detoxifying anti-oxidant, skin healer and skin brightener. Echinacea also heals and calms sensitive and irritated skin. It enhances the metabolism and activates collagen production, preventing formation of fine lines. It is truly an anti-aging skincare secret.
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echinacea field

Echinacea angustifolia
Echinacea purpurea 
紫锥花 (zǐzhuīhuā)


dewy leaves of echinaceaNative to North America, Echinacea is a purple wildflower with strong antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immune-building and stimulating properties. The plant has been used for generations to treat cold, flu, infections, but the development of modern antibiotic drugs overshadowed the unique natural benefits of echinacea. However, it has again became one of the most used health supplements in modern American and European herbal medicine.  


budding echinaceaNative Americans call Echinacea “Evening Sun” and have traditionally used this flower in their herbal remedies to enhance the immune system, treat wounds and as an antidote to snake bites. It is due to its detoxifying and antiseptic properties that echinacea is also sometimes called “Snake Root”. It was introduced to Western medicine in the 1890’s gaining popularity particularly in North America. 


North America.


echinacea stalk
Echinacea is one of the most commonly prescribed herbal remedies used in homeopathic medicine today. A strong immune stimulant, this plant is full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that suppress viral and bacterial infections, combat the flu and fungal infections, destroy free radicals and toxins and alleviate dermatological problems. It is also an effective remedy to detox the lymph nodes and the blood. All parts of the plant are utilized, but particularly valuable are its roots and stems. 
Several sorts of echinacea are popular for decorative cultivation in gardens, as they have long and bright blossoming periods. 
Some beekeepers infuse honey with echinacea flowers for strong healing and health-boosting effect. 

Skincare Benefits

echinacea extreme macroEchinacea has a multifunctional effect on skin: it is a detoxifying anti-oxidant, skin healer and skin brightener. 
Echinacea helps treat skin disorders such as eczema and acne. Also it has the ability to treat sun damage, preventing and lightening pigmentation marks on the skin. Applying fresh juice of the echinacea flower is the most effective way to get rid of pigmentation spots on the skin.  
Echinacea also heals and calms sensitive and irritated skin. It enhances the metabolism and activates collagen production, preventing formation of fine lines.
Еchinacea has an ability to protect hyaluronic acid in skin, preventing outside bacteria from getting into the skin. Since hyaluronic acid is crucial for young and supple skin, echinacea is truly an anti-aging ingredient. 


In large doses Echinacea can cause allergic reactions and may counteract other medications.
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Join us!

Delicious! is proud again to be supporting our friends in the Shanghai Repertory Theatre.
Join us and Producer Rosita Janbakhsh for the latest SRT production: The Enchanted Circus of Grimm.
The show runs 8-18 December in the Ke Centre for Contemporary Arts.
Ticket information available from: shanghai.repertory.info@gmail.com or 13641701170.
echinacea radiant

<<First Name>> try our Skin SuperFoods Combo today!

Alfalfa and Echinacea Herb with Goji Seed Oil – and experience soothing, healing and radiance-enhancing effects of Echinacea on your skin. 

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