
January 5, 2022

Our job as Christians is to wake up and help others wake up

Doug Bing, Washington Conference president
Did you know that at one time there were people hired to go through the streets of cities and knock on your upstairs window to wake you up in the morning? This was before the alarm clock was invented.

There's a lesson to learn...
The Job of Waking Up
The crossroads between being a Christian and being a contemporary in the world can often be confusing. How can you best live out your faith in all areas of your life? Can you "be it" and "live it" in 2022?

Attend Regional Days of Prayer & Celebration This Weekend!
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Prayer is the birthplace of revival. God has worked so many miracles in past years as we have sought Him together in prayer and fasting. The Holy Spirit has brought about conversions, renewed passion for evangelism, revived churches, and healed relationships.
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One of our newest church plants, LifeBridge Church, is officially opening this Sabbath! Plus...the church is delivering hygiene packs on January 22 and sponsoring a free dental clinic on January 29-30. Donations, prayers, and your presence are all greatly appreciated.
Interact with LifeBridge on Facebook!
Want a New Year's resolution that you can keep this year? VOLUNTEER. Pick one of our 20 schools here in western Washington. Talk with the principal about ways you can serve Jesus by ministering to His children. Come and match your unique talents with Adventist Education support!
Contact a Principal Today!

Looking Ahead

Ways to Give
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ACTS Editor: Heidi Baumgartner