Cold Hardy Conifers
Evergreens That are no Match for the Cold
What does it mean to be cold hardy?

Cold hardy is a term used to describe what is the lowest temperature a plant can withstand in the wintertime. The lower the temperature range, the more cold hardy the plant is.

What is a hardiness zone?

The USDA created specific "zones," allowing individuals to know which plants would be able to survive even the toughest winters in their region!  You can search our trees and plants by zone on our website under the Hardiness Zones category tab at the top of the page. Each listing will show its hardiness zone range as well.

If the plant is cold hardy to your zone, no extra means of cold protection are necessary for it in the winter. (Some Japanese maples, particularly those in containers may be an exception.)
#3 Picea pungens 'Walnut Glen'
Regularly $124.99 Now $99.99!
Walnut Glen starts somewhat globose, later becoming more pyramidal. New growth in the spring is brilliantly covered in gold anywhere exposed to sun while older foliage has a nice contrasting blue-green. It was discovered in Walnut Glen, PA by Greg Williams. It has a previous name of 'Goldie' after the owner of the property where it was found. Young plants can burn in hot, dry climates so be sure to place it in a location that protects it from the hot afternoon sun until it is established.
#1 Pinus sylvestris 'Moseri'
Regularly $39.99 Now $31.99!
A dwarf, dense conical selection of Scots Pine. The tree is green for the growing season, but becomes a brilliant gold in winter brought on by the cold. It was originally selected as a seedling by Moser Nursery in France in the 1900s. Older needles are long with new growth appearing in short tufts at branch tips, creating an unusual texture and a very compact habit!
#1 Pinus strobus 'Coney Island'
Regularly $64.99 Now $51.99!
A dense, rounded white pine shrub with long needles and a remarkable reliability to create plentiful cones even when young. It was discovered as a witch's broom and introduced by Sidney Waxman of Connecticut in the 1980s. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Hardy to zone 3!
#1 Picea pungens 'Fat Albert'
Regularly $39.99 Now $31.99!
A popular, blue Christmas tree shaped conifer. It originally was selected by Jean Iseli in 1981 as a seedling. Later it was named after the cartoon character. It is quite the cold climate performer.
#1 & #5 Juniperus scopulorum 'Skyrocket'
Regularly $34.99 & $99.99
Now 20% Off! $27.99 & $79.99 respectively
A blue, columnar juniper that makes a wonderful hedge plant or tree for accenting hardscapes. It grows at a fast rate of about a foot a year and loves full sun. Once established, it is reasonably drought tolerant and low maintenance and of course extremely cold-tolerant with its Rocky Mountain origin!

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