Happy New Year Houston County 4-H'ers!

If you are new to 4-H, every month you will receive a newsletter with information on what is happening and when. Anytime you want to register for an event call our office and we will be happy to help!
 If you have any questions, always give us a call, 478-987-2028.

Information about shotgun team meeting is in the Jr./Sr. button below!

Major Announcements
  1. Please remind your 4-H'ers that if they arrive early to a club meeting at the office that often times there is still set-up to be done. We need to use our indoor voices and be respectful to all employees that are at the office. If you plan to drop your child off early, please confirm it with a 4-H representative to ensure that we have staff present.
  2. What can you do to prepare for the new 4-H program year? We need updated paperwork on all students.  Please fill out the enrollment form to ensure we have updated information on your child.  Without filling out this form, your child will not be enrolled for the 2021-2022 school year. Enrollment Form
  3. We have moved offices. Our new location is 2030 Kings Chapel Road in Perry. Our other contact information has stayed the same. (478-987-2028)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Together we will continue to Make the Best Better! 

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Contact Us:
Sam Price | | 478-987-2028
Michelle Fowler | |478-987-2028
Jarius Sandford | | 478-987-2028
Jessica Collins | | 478-987-2028

Our mailing address is:
2030 Kings Chapel Road
Perry, GA 31069

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