Lutz Preparatory School Weekly Reminders: Monday, January 10, 2022
Tuesday, January 11
Boys Flag Football Tryouts
Girls Soccer Tryouts
JV Boys Basketball Championship Game vs TCMS - AWAY at TCMS Pavillion 4:30 PM
Wednesday, January 12
Early Release - Dismissal Begins at Noon
Bolts of Blue Non-Uniform Day for Thimble (Level 3) $175 and Above or Donate $6
Thursday, January 13
Boys Flag Football TryoutsGirls Soccer Tryouts
The latest time to check out your student early from school is 2:00 PM on regular days and 11:00 AM on early release days. You must have your driver's license with you to check out a student during school hours.
Update to the Academic Calendar! CHANGE TO EARLY RELEASE SCHEDULE
Please note that there has been a change to the Lutz Prep academic calendar due to the state of Florida testing calendar- the early release date in April will be onWednesday, April 13, 2022 instead of April 6 as previously published.
Please mark your calendars to help plan accordingly. THANK YOU!
PTA Corner
PTA is looking for a Treasurer to take over for the last half of the school year. If you are interested please email Lutz Preparatory PTA at
The PTA Treasurer shall:
Be the legally responsible, authorized custodian to have charge of the funds of the PTA
Maintain proper financial records
Deposit money in a timely manner
Adhere to the budget
Comply with all legal and reporting functions
Be responsible for preparing and filling tax and audit forms necessary
Present a written financial report at every meeting
Make disbursements in a timely manner, reconcile the bank statement and keep account of receipts
Prepare PTA's Annual Budget and revise as needed
Our next early release day of the school year is Wednesday, January 12th our school hours are 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Our standard staggered dismissal will run with the same process as it does on a full school day.
11:30-12:00 --- 1st round dismissal (green stickers on car tags)
12:00-12:30 --- 2nd round dismissal
After care is available to those who are registered.
Bolts of Blue Campaign Sponsorship Levels at the Thimble (Level 3) - $175 or above and Above Please read carefully, this is NOT AN ALL STUDENT dress down day.
Reminder at the donation level at Thimble (Level 3) - $175 or above your student is awarded 10 non-uniform days (all the early dismissal days for the K-8 school). Homeroom teachers will be given rosters to validate those students who were awarded this non-uniform day.
Additional Students May Still Participate!
Any student(s) still wishing to participate in these non-uniform day can turn in their donation of $6.00 to their teacher on each Wednesday of the non-uniform day. Funds will apply to Bolts of Blue Campaign.
Leadership Day
An Update from Our Athletic Director
The 1st - 5th Grade Blazing Bolts Running Club will begin Wednesday, January 19th
Coach Glickman Blazing Bolts is full for 3rd quarter, check back again for future 4th quarter dates.
TCAL Boys Flag Football (5th-8th) & Girls Soccer (5th-8th)
Two steps required to attend tryouts:
Submit a current FHSAA Sports Physical to the school office at Your standard health forms ARE NOT the same as a sports physical. If you do not have this completed and turned in, you WILL NOT be able to tryout. A sports physical can be given by your pediatrician or at a local Minute Clinic or Med Express for a nominal fee.
Click HERE to complete the Tryout Registration and Sports Liability Waiver online form.
Tryout Dates: Tuesday, January 11th and Thursday, January 13th
Recommended to attend both days but not required
Time: After dismissal until 5:00 PM
Place: LP gymnasium area beginning at 3:30 PM
Students must stay in their normal dismissal spots until dismissal has been completed and then they are to report to the gym where the coaches will be located to give further instructions
Parents must be at pickup in the back field outside the gym promptly at 5:00PM. If you are late, then your student will be escorted to aftercare where you are responsible for all charges incurred.
Items Needed:
Flag Football: Athletic clothing, cleats recommended, and water bottle
Soccer: Athletic clothing, cleats and shin guards recommended, and water bottle
Approximately 10 games
2 games per week
Practices 1-2 times per week opposite game days
Games typically start at 4:30 PM
Travel required within 30 minutes of Lutz Prep for away games
If on team $130 enrollment fee required
Report Cards – Elementary and Middle School
Middle School Report Cards will be available for online viewing beginning Thursday 1/20/22
Elementary Report Cards will be available for online viewing beginning Monday, 1/24/22
Families can access the report cards website two ways:
Students can access their own report cards by logging in with their user ID and password: User ID is 7 digit student number (ex 1234567) and password is birthmonthdayyear (ex 01152011 for Jan 15, 2011)
If a student cannot access the report card for a parent/guardian, a PIN can be requested by selecting "Request a PIN" on the report cards website. A PIN can be sent to the email address or mobile phone number of a parent/guardian in the Student Information System (listed on the student’s emergency card).
Volunteer/Background Check Application Through SafeVisitor Solutions Program
Per Florida State Law, school volunteers must be background checked each year. In order to volunteer at Lutz Preparatory School K-8, you are required to be APPROVED PRIOR TO VOLUNTEERING through SafeVisitor Solutions for a fee of $9.99 that is paid by the applicant for each academic school year (July 1-June 30).
Please see the Volunteer Page of our website for full details and a link to the SafeVisitor Solutions application.
Additional fees beyond the standard 9.99 fee may be required based on applicants individual history. If additional fees are required to complete the background check the applicant will receive an email from Safe Hiring Solutions <> with details.
If you have not received an email (with a QR code) from stating you have been approved as a volunteer within five business days of your application being submitted check the following:
Search your email for a communication from Safe Hiring Solutions or info@SafeVisitorSolutions for additional details (check your spam folder also)
Contact SafeVisitor directly at 1-888-215-8296 to check on the status of your application if beyond five business days.
When you come on campus for volunteer work, field trips, etc. our office staff will check you in through the SafeVisitor Solutions system and you are required to wear the system generated name tag at all times on campus.
After School Enrichment
Outside Vendors on Campus
Register by contacing Show on the Road directly:
813-943-2695 | |
COVID Hub and Other Important Information
Please visit our school website,, for key information related to the health and safetly of our students and staff to include emergency and executive orders by the FLDOE and the State of Florida. Lutz Preparatory School's COVID Hub is located in a pop up box on our homepage.How to Report Your Child Absent
Due to the pandemic, we are required to track every absence. Our policy is to have all absenses (related to health or other reasons) reporting to our school via the online attendance tool located on our website or click on the image to the right. Any supporting documentation related to the absence (doctor's notes, etc.) should be emailed to Reporting a COVID Diagnosis
If your child tests positive for COVID-19 we are requesting that parents immediately report this to the school via the COVID-19 Reporting Form on our website (even overnight and/or weekends).This will allow our step-by-step mitigation process to begin with contact tracing and notification to all students/staff that may have been potentially exposed. Thank you for your partnership in helping us keep all of our students and staff healthy.