DIY Health Reminders;  Family Connections + health
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My dad and his family

Family connections:
gather your holiday "ahas"

I wrote quite a bit in the e-news that went out at Thanksgiving about family connections and inheritance (read it here).

One way or another, family influences your patterns of health and illness. And unless you make the effort to really consider your family, what you know about them and your relationship with them, your heritage, you lose that rich resource of knowing.

Family gatherings are the best of the best places to learn, to notice, to mull. 

On this side of the season, before it all ebbs away, take notes about what you noticed, what makes you curious.  Even if you didn’t have a family gathering, you likely shared phone calls, maybe Zoom calls. Or you watched holiday specials that made you think/remember something about your own family experience.

Not all of us are writers. I used to write compulsively, every day, and then that practice fell away. So when I want to capture something I use — a free, online, transcription service. It’s like writing a journal entry and when I want that information, that recorded thought or awareness, it’s there. It takes time to clean up/edit what the transcription heard and what I think I said, but I don’t have to do that right away. 

One of the books I read over the past few weeks is, “When the Body Says No, Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection,” by Gabor Mate (2003). He wrote, “All those seeking to heal — or to remain healthy — need to reclaim the lost capacity for emotional truth-recognition.” And, “We can learn to read symptoms not only as problems to be overcome but as messages to be heeded.” 

You’re not analyzing, you’re noticing and capturing what you notice. And if ahas come, that’s awesome. Savor those. Noticing by itself begins to change the dynamics present in your life. And then, if you like, bring those ahas to a BodyMind Spirit Healthcare session so they can be further developed, more directly linked to your health.

Solstice Fire

COVID, Flu, Your Immune System

As I watch Omicron roar through my circle of acquaintance, it seems appropriate, yet again, to send a reminder about self-care in this time of challenge. 

I've said this before (in fact, I wrote this last spring) self-care is essential 

Self-care techniques that are “in your pocket” all day, every day, can be life-saving. Always with self-care, keep it simple. Experiment. Practice what makes sense to you, what feels good. Be consistent. VERY consistent. What works for your partner, your son or daughter, your good friend, may not be what your BodyMind best responds to.

Self-care is also an adventure of self-discovery, self-knowing. And isn’t our purpose in our time on this planet a process of learning to more fully become who and what we really are? Your immune system’s job, in fact, is to distinguish between you and not you, between cells that belong and invaders. Knowing who YOU are helps to support your immune system. 

The Thymus Thump

On a physical level, a basic approach to activating your thymus is to tap over it several times a day. If you need, set a timer, and thump away every hour. It takes 20 seconds.. Your thymus needs your active support. As we age our thymus “shrinks” (dehydrates), like the rest of our bodies (but more so). Here's a link to more information on the thymus "thump." Look at it this way, it's unlikely to harm you and quite likely to support your health. 
My birthday rose was so much more beautiful when it unfurled than I expected! 

Activate Your Heart-field: Conception Vessel 17

Right in that same terrain as your thymus is Conception Vessel 17. If you’ve had a BodyMind Spirit Healthcare session, you know formulas are anchored and activated by tapping brain, heart, and gut. Tapping over the heart field essentially activates the thymus AND Conception Vessel 17, one of only two acupuncture points that link to every meridian in your body. When you tap it, or simply rest your hand over it, you give a boost to your entire meridian system, causing it to communicate far, far better. You also boost your energy and help bring balance and coherence to your Spirit.

Stimulate Jing Well Points

At the tip of every finger and toe, these points help build Wei Chi, a vital protective energy that flows around every skin surface in your body.  Strong Wei Chi protects against invasive microbes and viruses trying to infiltrate your system. People with strong Wei Chi are far less likely to catch anything from people around them. Here's a graphic showing Jing Well Points.

Jenna Caplette, LMT
Healing Arts Professional
BodyMind Spirit Healthcare
Sessions given at a distance via Zoom. 

Health Both Does & Doesn't "Just" Happen

Health both does and doesn’t “just” happen. Yes, we are born with a certain resiliency based on multiple factors of inheritance and genetics and en-utero experience.

As an adult, your health is up to you. Can there really be a better investment of time and energy?. I’d love to be your guide as you develop the resiliency that brings more health and spirit to your life. 

Want to chat?  

  1. Schedule a 20 minute free phone consult.. The best way to do that is to text: 406-920-2691. Let me know three times you have available and I will either conifrm one of those or make an alternate suggestion. You may also schedule through Schedulicity

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