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Carpentries Clippings, 13 January 2022

Happy New Year from The Carpentries!

“I meditate quite often. Last week I participated in a practice whereby we meditated on various aspects of 2021, like resilience, acknowledging our needs, and caring for ourselves and others. During my time of meditation and reflection, I could not help but think about you – The Carpentries community. I will never truly know exactly what this community has endured over the past 24 months. What I do know is that you have shown up, and continue to show up, contributing to The Carpentries’ mission even when it is hard to do. For that, you have my sincere #CarpentriesGratitude.”

- Dr. Kari L. Jordan, Executive Director of The Carpentries

Read Kari's full message

Community News & Updates

The Application Period for the Instructor Development Committee is Now Open
We are excited to announce that the application for new IDC members is now open, and we will be accepting applications until 21 January 2022. 

If you would like to learn more about the IDC before applying, please join us for a themed community discussion being hosted by members of the Core Team and outgoing members of the IDC on January 18, 14:00 UTC (see date/time in your time zone) and 23:00 UTC (see date/time in your time zone). 

For more information, please read this blog post

New Prices for Workshops, Instructor Training, and Memberships
Announced in November, our new pricing went into effect on 4 January 2022. 
For more details and links to the prices, please read this blog post.

What You May Have Missed on the Blog


Thank You! Values Alignment Task Force

Recommendations from the task force on a values alignment due diligence process

The Lesson Infrastructure Commitee: Past, Present, and Future

We re-evaluate the historical role of the Lesson Infrastructure Community to understand how we can maintain community advocacy in our infrastructure

Incubator Lesson Spotlight

The Incubator Lesson Spotlight is a regular feature in The Carpentries blog and Carpentries Clippings newsletter, highlighting the great work our community is doing to develop new lessons in The Carpentries Incubator. Developers of any lesson in the Incubator are encouraged to submit details about their material for inclusion in the series.

This edition’s featured lesson is Building Websites with Jekyll and GitHub pages

Learn more about this lesson

Community Opportunity Postings

The Carpentries is funded in part by grants and donations, and donating even a small amount can make a big difference - we value all contributions!
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