

MD/MPH Elective

Pathways - Hospital Leadership
January 25, 2022
12 PM
ALTC room 2.220

Bryan Alsip, MD, MPH
Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer
University Health Systems

Open to all MD/MPH students


TX Department of State Health Services Grand Rounds

The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Routine Immunizations for Children with Medicaid
January 26, 2022
11 AM - 12:30 PM
Virtual via GoToWebinar

Kelsey Sanders, MPH,
Epidemiologist, TXDSHS
Emily Stauffer Rocha, MBA, MSN, RN, NE-BC, CCRN-K,
Senior Nurse Policy Advisor, Office of the Medical Director, Medicaid & CHIP Services


Afternoon Tea

STEP 1 Preparation
January 31, 2022
12 PM
ALTC room 2.204

Paulina Mazurek, EdD and Derek Holbrook, EdD
Office of Student Affairs

Open to all MD/MPH students. If you are an MS3 or MS4 and would like to give your expertise, please let us know.


CSL Conference

Unseen and Unheard: Meet the Needs of Displaced Youth
February 5, 2022
8 AM - 3 PM
Holly Auditorium

Call for Student Posters | Call for Volunteers




Camille Spears, MD, MPH (Class of 2018)
1st year Infectious Disease Fellow
UT Health San Antonio

While at the Long School of Medicine, Camille was one of the founding leaders of the Pride Clinic and led an initiative to expand curriculum to include gender affirming care. Her MPH practicum explored the impact of stigma on virologic suppression in the largest HIV care clinic in San Antonio. She completed her internal medicine residency at Rush University in Chicago, where she organized the COVID response for internal medicine residents. In July 2021, she returned to San Antonio as an Infectious Diseases Fellow where she will focus on HIV care.


Meredith Hosek, Class of 2023

Meredith took a year off before starting third-year to be the COVID-19 Response Research Intern. Two of her duties were as a research assistant for a Phase 3 vaccine trial and assisting with a project investigating racioethnic disparities in COVID-19 transmission in Bexar County.
Learn more here.


MS2 Students

Class of 2024 schedule your annual professional formation meeting with Dr. Taylor and Stephanie for either January or February.

Schedule here

Admission’s Interview Day

Sign up to help answer prospective student questions during the MD/MPH program presentation.

Sign up here


MD/MPH Student Representative

Thank you Luke Hendrix, MS2 for your previous service for AY 2020-2021

Welcome Camille McSherry, MS1 for your service for AY 2021-2022


Office of Student Affairs Podcast

The Office of Student Affairs has officially launched a new podcast. The first episode is up now on STEP 1 tips and guidance.

Listen now

CMHE looking for students

The Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics is looking for 2-3 MS1 MD/MPH students interested community-engaged health promotion & research for their practicum projects, additional research publications, and several conferences amongst Latinx communities in San Antonio and along the Texas-Mexico border (bilingual students highly encouraged, but not a requirement). These slots will be filled in January to begin program and research work in February.

Click here if interested

Health Confianza

The Health Confianza initiative was created to increase the availability, acceptability, and use of COVID-19 health information and services among people living in 22 target zip codes in San Antonio, Texas. Health Confianza is seeking proposals for community- campus collaborations to implement innovative health literacy projects that address COVID-19 health inequities in San Antonio.

Apply here