New Year, New Deals
Prepare Your Garden For Spring Color
Winter and spring ship dates are currently available! Take advantage of the cool weather now for shipping or wait until temperatures start to warm up this spring. Latest spring ship week currently available is the week of March 7th. Plants will start to come out of dormancy March - May of this year. Experience the beauty and wonder of viewing new buds and leaves emerging this coming spring!
#3 Fagus sylvatica 'Roseomarginata'
Regularly $124.99 Now $99.99!
A wonderfully colored beech tree with pink and plum variegated foliage. Leaves emerge fuzzy and delicate from their cigar-shaped buds. The tree will grow at an intermediate pace to form an upright, ovate ornamental delight. A nice cold hardy variety that doesn't mind sun or part shade.
#1 & #3 Abies lasiocarpa 'Green Globe'
Now 20% Off! Regularly $54.99 & $124.99
A globose, gray-green selection of sub-alpine fir that was introduced to the nursery trade in the 1970s. Its dwarf growth rate and habit make it a low maintenance tree in the landscape. As it matures in time it may become more conical in form. Plant it in a location with full sun and good soil drainage.
#1 Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce'
Regularly $19.99 Now $15.99!
A brilliantly colored succulent that gives a space a nice clean, cool, icy feel. It grows wonderfully in a pot or as a ground cover in a sunny location. It is quite an adaptable plant being able to withstand zone 2 winters and the heat and dryness of 100 degree weather in the summer time. A great cultivar for the beginner gardener.
#1 Sedum ochroleucum 'Red Wiggle'
Regularly $19.99 Now $15.99!
A Stonecrop succulent with the most wonderful red coloring. Leaves are needle-like and point upwards along the stem. Summer can bring some green coloring into the mix. It too can handle a diverse growing climate while adding color and texture to the space. 'Red Wiggle' works well in planters, rock gardens, and as a ground cover.
#2 Vaccinium ovatum 'Scarlet Ovation'
Regularly $64.99 Now $51.99!
Is a compact selection of evergreen huckleberry that has great color and fruit production. New growth is scarlet red in the spring followed by small bell-shaped white flowers that later bear small, round black berries in the summer. To increase berry yield and pollination, plant it in a location with full sun next to another plant of its kind.
#1 Isotoma fluviatitis
Regularly $19.99 Now $15.99!
Also, known as Blue Star Creeper, is a pinnately compound leafed perennial that makes a fantastic ground cover. It spreads very low and densely where ever it is planted. It can be used as a replacement for lawn as well! An added treat is its sky blue star-shaped flowers that cover it for spring and summer.

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