
Sunday Service Follow-Up

January 9, 2022

Thank you for joining us today! Below are questions for you to consider related to today's message, "Don't Believe Everything You Hear" from 1 John 4:1-6. We'd love to hear your feedback about how our service is going!

  1. Read the passage and pray for the Spirit’s help.
  2. How is it still true today that “many false prophets have gone out into the world”?
  3. What is the viewpoint of the world? How does this affect you in everyday life?
  4. How are these “dear children” different from those who are “from the world”?
  5. How can we discern which teachers are of the Spirit and which are not?
  6. Why is the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and essential doctrine of the Christian faith? How does it affect how you live today?
  7. Why is the witness of the apostles, who heard and saw and touched Jesus, so important?
  8. How does the Spirit work to strengthen believers in the world? Where do you need that help today?
  9. God loved the world with a redeeming love that sent Christ into it. What could it look like for you to love the world with redeeming love this week?
Quotes from the Sermon:
“The predominant theme of these letters is Christian certainty…The certainty of Christian people is twofold – objective (that the Christian religion is true) and subjective (that they themselves have been born of God and possess eternal life). Both are expounded by John, who takes for granted that this double assurance is right and healthy. His teaching about these certainties, their nature and the grounds on which they are built, urgently needs to be heard and heeded today.”
- John Stott, The Letters of John. pg. 56

Coming This Week:
Today: Tuesday, 1/11 - GriefShare Winter Session Begins
Wednesday, 1/12 - Christianity Explored
Friday, 1/14 - Prayer for Missions Gathering
Sunday, 1/16 - (Coffee &) Conversation: RGC Budget

Songs from Sunday (Spotify Playlist):
Saved My Soul - CityAlight
How Great Thou Art - Paul Baloche
Man of Sorrows - Hillsong Worship
Come Thou Fount - Sovereign Grace Music
How Great Is Our God - Chris Tomlin
Center My Life - Austin Stone Worship

Next Sunday: God Is Love, 1 John 4:7-12, Justin Pearson
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