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A New Year.

We're nearly a week into 2022 and, if you're like me, it might be difficult to discern where one year left off and the new one began. Celebrating the season with friends and family, conducting bleary-eyed toasts, and reflecting on the past 12 months—and looking toward the next 12—all shift into overdrive the second half of December.

Tim Haran | Utah Beer NewsPreviously, I shed some light on my background as a writer, how Utah Beer News originated, and what the future might hold as the publication nears its four-year anniversary. I've since received several very nice messages of support, appreciation, and encouragement. I can't thank you enough; it really means a lot.

In addition, more than 100 e-newsletter subscribers and social media followers took the time to share their thoughts about the site via an online survey. If you filled out the survey, thank you (and congratulations to Melissa B., Adam H., Bob K., and The Tastemasters, each of whom won a $50 prize pack).

Next Steps

I'm sifting through the data, exploring various options, and continuing to evaluate how the Utah Beer News brand might evolve in 2022 and beyond. I'm striving to provide you with more concrete information soon, though I don't want to promise a firm timeline. Thank you for your patience and for sticking with me as I work to position the site as a sustainable, relevant resource for the craft beer community.

In the meantime, I wanted to share the 2021 version of an article I've written at the end of each year. It recaps the most-popular content created by Utah Beer News and it highlights dozens of noteworthy events involving Utah's craft beer community.

You can find the article below, as well as a few other pieces culled "from the archives" that you may have missed the first time around.

As always, thank you for your support.


Currently Drinking: As I write, I'm enjoying Hollahaze Juicy IPA from T.F. BrewingHow about you?

Hello Again & Welcome

If this is your first time receiving this monthly dispatch, welcome! If you're a longtime subscriber, thank you for sticking with it. As always, feel free to drop a line to let me know what you think. Connect with me personally on Untappd.


🍻 The Year in Beer: A Look Back at 2021

2021 Utah Beer News - Year in Review
As we begin another year, let’s raise a glass to the folks who support local whenever possible. Let’s toast the imbibers who drink the flagships in addition to the one-offs. And let’s remember we’re all in this together for the love of craft.

Included in the article:
  • The most-read Utah Beer News articles
  • The most-downloaded Utah Beer News podcast episodes
  • Notable events from Utah's brewers, breweries, and everyday imbibers
2021: A Look Back

🎙Utah Beer News Podcast:
Beer News for Your Ears 🎙

The Utah Beer News podcast provides another avenue to tell stories about the Utah beer community. I'd love for you to subscribe, take a listen, and let me know what you think!

🥇 From the Archives: In Case You Missed It...

Life moves pretty fast, as Ferris Bueller says. Here are three Utah Beer News articles, podcast episodes, and e-newsletter essays that I especially enjoyed—and that you, as a busy beer drinker, may have missed the first time around.

Utah Beer News Articles

  1. Zólupez Beer Company Honors Mexican Culture, Traditions (June 29, 2020)
  2. Meet a Homebrewer Who Plays Bassoon and Flies Airplanes (Oct. 29, 2018)
  3. Hops Hunters Hikes: Park City History Through Hops (June 21, 2018)

Utah Beer News Podcast Episodes

  1. Rebecca Cardaccio, Proper Brewing's Sales Director (get a glimpse into a craft brewery from a sales and marketing perspective)
  2. 2021 Utah Beer News Beer Bracket Battle (drinking beers, cutting down nets)
  3. Shades Brewing & Kveik Yeast (the inaugural episode...and the yeast that launched a thousand—or so—beers)

Utah Beer News E-Newsletter Essays

  1. Resilient Breweries Face Critical Time (and at least another year of the pandemic)
  2. A Message for Utah's Craft Beer Community (as we embark on a pandemic)
  3. Official State Beer of Utah? Not So Fast, Bud. (the audacity!)
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