From Vic Michaels: New MDHHS Quarantine Guidelines
NEW: Please see Macomb County and St. Clair County guidance below.
Please remember to add all positive Covid cases in your school using the following links: Elementary Schools | High Schools
MDHHS continues to recommend universal masking in all K-12 school settings. Quarantine and isolation are determined by the local health department and are used as important tools to prevent the spread of disease:
- You isolate when you are infected with COVID-19 and have tested positive, even if you do not have symptoms. Isolation is used to separate people who are infected with COVID-19 from those who are not infected.
- You quarantine when you might have been exposed to COVID-19. This is because you might become infected with COVID-19 and could spread COVID-19 to others.
- Any individual that displays COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of vaccination status, should not attend school and should be tested for COVID-19.
- Macomb County: Students and staff that test positive or are exposed to COVID-19 in the community or at home must follow standard quarantine procedures and remain quarantined at home for 10 days. Full Macomb County guidance.
- St. Clair County ONLY: St. Clair is the only county in the AOD that is following the 5-day quarantine. Full St. Clair County guidance.
COVID-19 School Quarantine Guidelines for Asymptomatic Students:
- Fully vaccinated contacts without symptoms do not need to quarantine.
- Contacts that are not fully vaccinated and do not have symptoms:
- If masking was maintained, contacts can participate in school activities if wearing a mask for 14 days after exposure and using a "Test to Stay" strategy*
- If masking was not maintained, if additional testing and mitigation strategies are used, contacts may participate in school activities at the discretion of the local health department.
Test Kits:
The MDHHS COVID School Test Order Process has changed as of Dec. 13, 2021. Please see the attached document regarding the new procedure for ordering tests.
Travel Within the United States:
Out-of-state travel is permitted. We are following the return guidance as if they are a close contact (masked upon return unless the trip was conducted in a safe controlled environment). If students on the trip are only from your school they can return as normal.
International Travel:
Unvaccinated students are required to either quarantine for 10 days OR get tested and return on day 7. Vaccinated students are to be tested with a viral test 3-5 days after travel and self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms (quarantine not required). If a test result is positive, the student must follow isolation requirements for a positive case.
Meeting Invitation – January 20, 2022
All are invited to attend a meeting on January 20, 2022 for a presentation on the Principal as a Spiritual Leader. The meeting will take place at Sacred Heart Major Seminary from 9:00 – 12:30 and will include lunch. Please RSVP here to indicate that you would like to attend. Participants in the New Principal Academy do not need to RSVP.
Administrator Retreat
Administrators of our Catholic schools are asked to plan to attend our Administrators Retreat on February 10-11, 2022. Additional information and registration materials will be emailed soon.
From The Catholic Foundation of Michigan: Nominate a 2022 Amazing Catholic Educator
Catholic school principals, presidents, pastors and administrators are invited to nominate fellow educators for the Catholic Foundation’s 2022 Amazing Catholic Educator Awards. The ACE award recognizes teachers, specialists and principals within the Archdiocese of Detroit Catholic schools who exemplify unleashing the Gospel within their school. These are individuals who excel at creating a school culture that is proudly Catholic, academically excellent, accessible to all, and/or sustainable for the future. If you know of an exceptional educator, reach out and encourage your school principal, president and/or pastor to nominate them.
Please review the eligibility requirements by visiting and consider nominating someone from your school when the application process opens on January 10th. If you would like more information, please call Christina Shabo at 248.204.0332 or email
From NCEA: Lead. Learn. Proclaim. Award nominations are open
The 2021 Lead. Learn. Proclaim. Award theme is heroes, answering the question: "How is this Catholic school educator a hero in your community?" Submit a 90-second video nomination by Feb. 5.
Catholic Schools Week
The Department of Catholic Schools will be sponsoring several events during Catholic Schools Week to celebrate the gift of Catholic education, including Catholic Schools Week LIVE!, a Student Art Contest, and Livestreamed Mass with Archbishop Vigneron. All schools are invited to participate in these activities to supplement the activities in their own schools. See the outline of events here.
CSW-Oxford Strong T-Shirts
In previous years, schools have bought “Catholic Schools Week” t-shirts with the proceeds donated to a non-profit organization. This year we are selling “Oxford Strong” t-shirts with all proceeds going to the Oxford Community Memorial and Victims Fund. Schools throughout the state will allow free admission to their athletic events on Friday, February 4th for those that have purchased a t-shirt. Schools in the CHSL and CYO will allow entry to an athletic event scheduled for Catholic Schools Week for any spectator wearing an Oxford Strong shirt. If an athletic event is not available that week, some schools are using a “dress down day” or similar incentive for buying a shirt.
The t-shirts are easy to order. Visit to get started. Enter the password OxfordStrong42 to place a school order (minimum 50 t-shirts). Follow directions and enter a PO number and the school will be billed. EA Graphics is the provider. They will package the shirts and ship them to the school at no charge. If ordering fewer than 50 t-shirts click on the individual order link. The deadline for ordering is January 21. This will allow schools time to receive the shirts before Catholic Schools Week.
Please refer any ordering questions to EA Graphics at 586-726-1400.
Thank you in advance for supporting the Oxford School Community.
Bosco Prayer Initiative
Please join in praying for the youth of the Archdiocese of Detroit during Catholic Schools Week (January 30 – February 5). Our goal is to sign up 1,000 people to pray.
The prayer resource and sign-up are live at
Schools can participate by:
- Hosting prayer services for the students, or incorporating the prayer resource into a Liturgy
- Praying through the resource, or an adapted version, in a religion class
- Sending the information and invitation to parents and grandparents
- Engaging parent prayer groups or school intercessory prayer teams
Principal Leadership Development - Postponed
We have decided to postpone the Principal Leadership Development sessions that were scheduled for January 10 and January 11 at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. We are working with Dr. Nancy Padilla to try to find a date to return to the Archdiocese of Detroit in March or April. We will send out a new registration link when we have settled on a date. Please let Eric Haley know if you have any questions.
MOY Star Testing Capacity & Guidelines
The MOY testing window is January 17 – February 11
Please check to ensure that you have enough licenses to test for MOY. The attached document provides brief steps to verify your capacity and/or order more licenses if needed. The document also contains a brief video demonstration.
Star Testing Guidelines: Which Star assessment(s) do my students need to take?
- All Kinder students need a Star Early Literacy assessment for MOY.
- All Kinder and first grade students should use the Audio option when taking Star Math. This option needs to be turned on for students. Here is the Help File for your reference – Audio Preference Help File -
- For any Kinder student who achieves Probable Reader on SEL for MOY, they should also take Star Reading and Star Math during MOY window.
- All 1-8 graders take Star Reading and Star Math.
- Any first grade student who isn’t able to take Star Reading or Star Math because they cannot get past the 3-5 practice questions needs to take Star Early Literacy for MOY.
FACTS Report Card Training
Additional support for teachers regarding report cards was offered in December and this past week. Please see December’s recording (password: ReportCard). Written instructions are forthcoming and will be sent via email. The January recording will be emailed once it is available.
SoulCore Recording and Schedule
The first SoulCore session was offered in December with a meditation on the Joyful mysteries and the recording is now available to share with anyone who was unable to attend.
Recording: December - Joyful Mysteries (Passcode: Q=ibH5.d)
SoulCore will continue to be offered at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom, Feb. 12, April 9, and June 4. The next meditations will focus on the following mysteries: Sorrowful in February, Glorious in April, and Luminous in June. In order to register and receive the Zoom link, participants must first complete the waiver form. Upon completion, the Zoom link will be emailed by Carrie Kuhar. For more information about SoulCore, please review and share the attached FAQ document.
All school faculty and staff are welcome to attend.
Petition Drive – Michigan
The Michigan legislature recently passed two bills which would have provided “student opportunity scholarships” to low-income families for their out-of-pocket educational expenses. Unfortunately, Govern Gretchen Whitmer vetoed the two measures.
A petition drive is now underway that would place the issue before the legislature, which if passed again, would not require the governor’s signature to become law. The effort to obtain signatures will be headed by Let Michigan Kids Learn, a coalition of organizations which includes the Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) and the Michigan Association of Nonpublic Schools (MANS). MANS will provide you with instructions and materials in mid-January regarding this process.
Youth Projects to Advocate for the Dignity of Life
As we approach the 49th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a decision that made abortion legal in our country, please consider taking a stand to protect life at all stages by choosing some of t hese service projects for your classroom or school that promote life in our communities.
Transgenderism Resources: from the Department of Evangelization, Missionary Discipleship & Family Engagement
Please review the attached document with vetted resources to assist in providing pastoral care and accompaniment to our youth, adolescents, and young adults in their identity as beloved sons and daughters of God.
Catechist Certification Update – Franciscan University
While most teachers are now using “On Fire for the Faith” for catechist certification, some have chosen to complete their certification through Franciscan University Catechetical Institute. For the latter, it is important to note that Franciscan University has renovated and deleted some of their workshops. Because of this, the Office of Discipleship Formation has adjusted the reporting form. The reporting form has been updated to reflect the workshops offered for certification as an advanced catechist.
There are now 20 workshops listed, instead of 22, for a school religion teacher or catechist to achieve advanced certification. Please share the attached form with teachers who are completing their catechist certification through Franciscan University.
Families of Parishes
Each of our schools is part of (or will be part of) a Family of Parishes. Wave 1 FOPs were launched on July 1 of last year. Wave 2 FOPs will be launched in July of this year. Families of Parishes are groups of parishes, generally three to six parishes, sharing resources to advance the mission. Our ministry in Catholic schools is critical to the mission of the Church. Please talk with your pastor and with the Moderator of the Family of Parishes to which your school belongs – it is important that we work together to ensure that we are all on mission to share the Gospel.
Detroit Priestly Vocations Seminarian Profiles
The Office for Priestly Vocations has prepared Seminarian Profile Pages with pictures and facts about the men studying to be priests in the Archdiocese of Detroit. These can be used in schools and/or classrooms to promote priestly vocations and to pray for these men. The profiles, along with zip files containing 4 slides that could be shared on social media, can be found HERE.
Sacred Heart Major Seminary Cafeteria Meal Prices, Process and Payment
Due to the current environment and the impacts of the supply chain on the Sacred Heart Major Seminary Food Service Program, it was necessary for the Archdiocese to adjust meal prices accordingly, in an effort to contain costs and simplify the overall pricing structure. Please see the current meal pricing, identification, and payment process here.
AOD School Food Program Updates
There are a number of important updates for schools that make use of the AOD School Food Program. Please click here to read more about forms for special dietary accommodations, a letter to be shared with student families, and a recording of the town hall meeting on October 28, 2021.
From Office of International Student Programs: Contest Deadline Approaching
The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) is sponsoring a nationwide essay contest, The Celebrate America Creative Writing Contest. Learn more
RISE Detroit 2022 for High School Students
The Archdiocese of Detroit is hosting a brand-new event for high school students in the spirit of Unleash the Gospel—RISE Detroit 2022. All 9-12th graders are encouraged to attend with their pastor, youth minister, campus minister, or parents! The event will take place on Sunday, February 6, 2022, from 8:15am-7:15pm at Mercy High School in Farmington Hills. Activities include keynotes, powerful praise and worship experiences, two workshop opportunities, small group discussion, and Liturgy! Learn more and sign up at
Young Women’s Leadership Forum
Young adult Catholic women, ages 21-30, seeking leadership training, faith formation, and mentoring to better understand and pursue their particular mission and vocation are encouraged to apply to attend the 2022 GIVEN Catholic Young Women's Leadership Forum. Applications are now open! Prospective applicants can find information about the speakers, schedule, and distinctive Forum features on our website. Applications are due February 18, 2022.
Post-Secondary Catholic Trade School Opportunity
Harmel Academy is an all-male Catholic trade school in Grand Rapids, Michigan and their mission is to form excellent Catholic Tradesmen. They teach two types of trades at the moment; Electrical and Machine Systems Technician. The program lasts two years and while they are here, students develop a community of brotherhood that will last a lifetime. They commit to daily prayer and to do excellent work in every class. More information can be found at
Please share the information with any of your high school senior boys who are interested in learning a trade.
52 Sundays Resource for Families
The 2022 edition of 52 Sundays is now available for pre-order! You can order it in either English or Spanish. The theme of vocation is woven throughout the 2022 edition, highlighting different vocations and inviting families to look at discernment in fun and easy ways. Each week will include the Sunday Gospel, information on a member of the Communion of Saints, discussion questions, an activity, a recipe, and a family prayer as well as a liturgy link, a family challenge, and a fun fact. Bulk pricing is available. 52 Sundays will begin shipping in mid-November. Visit to order your copies today! If you have any questions about the book, please contact Tara Stenger at or 313-237-6056.
MDE’s Nonpublic Membership Report
This report must be completed by January 15. Please ensure that your school’s report is completed by the deadline.
From NCEA: Free Educator Access to Hallow App for Mental & Spiritual Health
It's hard to believe we are only a little more than a month away from the start of Advent. We know this can be a stressful time of year, so we wanted to share a new resource that has content specifically built to help you and your students find peace amidst the chaos of the world. Hallow is the #1 Catholic app in the world, and we, the Hallow team, have built a series of tools specifically to help Catholic educators strengthen their mental and spiritual health. Redeem your free educator access.
Counseling and Mental Health Resources
Information about resources and contact information from Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan may be found here.
AOD Job Position Postings
Please check the AOD Jobs Board to ensure that all postings for your school are current. Email to remove old job postings.
Nominate a Principal/Teacher for a Social Media Spotlight
The AOD Communications team is starting a content series for the Detroit Catholic Schools LinkedIn page to celebrate our amazing principals and teachers. You are encouraged to nominate a principal or teacher through the form below. The Communications team will then follow-up with further details about featuring your nomination.
Submit a Nomination
View prior editions of School Mail here.