
Over the past two years, the Deliver for Good Campaign  has adopted a revised strategic direction that seeks to strengthen connections between country-level action, regional influencing, and global mobilization to advance gender equality across the Sustainable Development Goals. As part of this process, Campaign partners in Kenya and Senegal expressed a deep desire to engage in peer-to-peer learning and build stronger cross-country ties.

What was first envisioned as a one-off peer-to-peer sharing opportunity via videoconference became understood as a vital, first-of-its kind Continental Conversation to bridge divides — some of which had never been crossed.

In creating a space for meaningful dialogue between the Campaign’s country partners, together, we were able to identify commonalities and share experiences, lessons, challenges, and successes in advancing gender equality across the SDGs in countries and regions with distinct economic, social, and political landscapes.

The result? By coming together as a Campaign, we not only traversed language barriers, borders, and contextual divides with surprising ease, we also laid the groundwork for a cross-regional peer-to-peer learning model with the power to accelerate progress on girls’ and women’s health and rights — in Kenya, in Senegal, and around the world. Specifically, we learned that: 

1. Bringing advocates together across continents breaks down silos and leads to opportunities for partners to collectively advance to deliver concrete gains. 

2. Co-creation from day one is crucial to the success of spaces that facilitate peer-to-peer learning.  

3. Bridging contexts and facilitating multilingual conversations fosters solidarity and innovative advocacy approaches. 

4. More spaces that facilitate peer-to-peer learning among gender equality advocates are needed – and need to be resourced. 

5. Continental Conversations must be ongoing and are vital to strengthening our global movement toward gender equality. 

Click here to read more about our top takeaways and the crucial importance of cross-country, cross-regional dialogue in powering progress toward a gender-equal future.

Read the blog, available in French and English >>
How Women Deliver is Taking Action in 2022
Gender-Responsive Climate Action 
The actions we collectively take in 2022 are crucial to the health and well-being of people and the planet. We’re mobilizing at CSW66, the G7, and COP27, alongside our partners in the SRHR and Climate Justice Coalition, to ensure that the leaders of today and tomorrow meaningfully address the linkages between climate change, SRHR, and gender equality.
Economic Justice and Rights

Over the past three years, the burden of unpaid care work that women shoulder has increased. We’re doubling down our work on economic justice and rights at
WHA75, the G7, and the G20 in order to call on governments and the private sector to work together to create care systems that make career paths more compatible with life paths.

Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

Much has changed since March 2020, but one thing remains clear: we can’t end the COVID-19 pandemic without vaccine equity and there can be no UHC without SRHR. With less than two years until the next UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage, we’re working harder than ever to urge decision-makers to invest in health systems strengthening that prioritizes health and SRHR services for girls and women at its core. 
The Women Deliver 2023 Conference

We're deeply committed to co-creating the Women Deliver 2023 Conference (WD2023). WD2023’s Advisory Group will continue to meet regularly throughout 2022 to provide strategic advice and input into Conference programming, speaking opportunities, scholarships, and registration – the details of which will be revealed at the Conference’s one-year-out launch event in Kigali, Rwanda this July. 
Civil Society and Youth Advocacy

Real, sustainable progress toward gender equality will only be possible once civil society and youth – particularly in low- and middle-income countries and at the grassroots level – are fully and meaningfully resourced and engaged as co-leaders at all levels of decision-making. In 2022, we’ll work tirelessly to transform high-level spaces – from HLPF to UNGA – into opportunities that foster connections between those with decision-making power and those who need access to it. 
Read more about our Strategy >>
From all of us at Women Deliver, wishing you and yours a happy and healthy 2022!
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