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January 2022 Newsletter

Happy New Year!
By Doug McNutt

What do you have planned for the new year? Please email me prayer requests for challenges or new opportunities you have coming up this year. In the past, I have always prayed over 100% of the prayer requests I have received from supporters, so don't be shy to send them to:


Friends, Jesus is coming back one day. And the only things that will have mattered on that day are souls and holiness. What do I mean by that expression which my mentor taught me: "Souls and Holiness"? Souls are the souls that you affected for God's glory, and holiness = love. Class A exhibits of being God's holy people are 1) receiving God's love, 2) loving Him back, and 3) loving others. This is true happiness, which we also call JOY or SHALOM. A whole holiness, divine love, is what God has in store for us this year. Shall we press into the kingdom more this year? How can you affect a soul to the glory of God? In what ways can you receive God's love more deeply in your own life and then love God back? "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." "And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them."


Blessings to all, and may your pursuit of souls and holiness be blessed this year, even as we pursue the same in Africa through TCWM!


In Christ Alone,

Doug McNutt , President, TCWM

Prayer Requests:

1) Please pray for Student Sponsors for our pastors in seminary, we are lacking sponsorships for about 2/3 of these students.

2) Pray for our new campus we are currently developing for accreditation in Rwanda.

3) Pray for our new teaching site in Northern Tanzania and another new Central African country that we are looking into now!

Pictured above are some of our students. Please pray for them as they study God's Word and as they study to become a church planter, pastor, elder, or missionary.
These are updated pictures of our campus in Kapchorwa, Uganda. Our students, faculty, and staff are excited for this year to begin!
Here is a picture of our headquarters in Dahlonega, GA. The roof is going up this week, and we are excited to move in this spring.



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